Origins of elongated skulls . You might enjoy seeing Trey Smith's video on the Nephilim. He has pics of elongated skulls that are not being shown on all the other shows about this subject. Skulls that are so long that no human skull could ever successfully emulate no matter how excessive intentional mimicry might be done. The scariest and largest skull was found in Mexico. The bone structure of the face indicate a face that in life had to have been terryfyingly alien.
Go see Trey Smith's video on the Nephilim. He has pics of elongated skulls that are not being shown on all the other shows about this subject. Skulls that are so long that no human skull could ever successfully emulate no matter how excessive intentional mimicry might be done. The scariest and largest skull was found in Mexico. The bone structure of the face indicate a face that in life had to have been terryfyingly alien.
Go see Trey Smith's video on the Nephilim. He has pics of elongated skulls that are not being shown on all the other shows about this subject. Skulls that are so long that no human skull could ever emulate no matter how excessive intentional mimicry sought to ever achieve. The scariest and largest skull was found in Mexico. The bone structure of the face indicate a face that in life had to have been terryfyingly alien.