i just read a great thing on the origin of this phrase. too bad i dont remember it or where i read it. arent i helpful?
edit: i often just call it corruption. thats what it is.
further edit: I can be helpful! here it is. taken from quora of all places. ...needs condensing for normies.
Chris Venes
What is the history behind the term deep state? Who invented this conspiracy theory? A better term for Deep State is the term “Deep Politics” coined by author Peter Dale Scott. His definition of which is “the study of hidden permanent institutions and interests whose influence on the political realm transcends the elected, appointed and career officials who come and go.” This is where the Deep State lies— fulfilling it’s promise as an “invisible” entity that is comprised of the powerful over and underworld.
Scott connects several events that had common themes of a secret government-in-waiting “team” at the heart of the events: Iran-Contra affair, 9/11, Watergate, and the JFK Assassination:
James Mann’s dictum that the Mount Weather Continuity of Government leadership constitutes a “permanent, though hidden, national security apparatus of the United States, … a world in which Presidents come and go, but America always keeps on fighting.” [It’s important] to investigate whether elements of this enduring leadership, with its ever-changing mix of CIA veterans and civilian leaders, may have constituted “a secret government-in-waiting,” not just under the Bushes and Obamas of the 2000’s, Clinton in the 1990s, or under Carter in 1980, but also under Kennedy in November 1963.”
i just read a great thing on the origin of this phrase. too bad i dont remember it or where i read it. arent i helpful?
edit: i often just call it corruption. thats what it is.
i just read a great thing on the origin of this phrase. too bad i dont remember it or where i read it. arent i helpful?
edit: i often just call it the corruption. thats what it is.
i just read a great thing on the origin of this phrase. too bad i dont remember it or where i read it. arent i helpful?