Just think about it...What's the best way to Depopulate...? The Adults are not the priority...This has always been aimed at "Vaccinating" children from a young age... I mean how many stories have you heard of young kids having strokes and heart problems after being "vaxxed."..?? Suddenly we hear that its "normal" for kids to suffer from strokes..? First I've ever heard that...And the kids who aren't "vaccinated "are being forced to wear masks all day breathing in their own Co2 plus God knows what else...The next thing is to "vaccinate " 6 months upwards...!!AND this is ALL for their HEALTH and Wellbeing... I don't know about anybody else but that's fucking insane...
“The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent.” Exodus 14:14
Just think about it...What's the best way to Depopulate...? The Adults are not the priority...This has always been aimed at Vaccinating children from a young age... I mean how many stories have you heard of young kids having strokes and heart problems after being vaxxed...?? Suddenly we hear that its "normal" for kids to suffer from strokes..? First I've ever heard that...And the kids who aren't vaccinated are being forced to wear masks all day breathing in their own Co2 plus God knows what else...Next thing is to vaccinate 6 months upwards...!!AND this is ALL for their HEALTH and Wellbeing... I don't know about anybody else but that's fucking insane...
“The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent.” Exodus 14:14