G'day mate, life's great. It's clownworld but I'm actually enjoying the show.
Not sure why you got the downdoot from someone?
I'm in a zone where there's a potential to be fined for all sorts of bullshit, but if it happens to me I'll just take it to court, contest it - fuck em haha, none of it's legal/ lawful/ loreful ;)
The new illegitimate sap PM with his new Greens cohorts will no doubt try to Biden-style burn this place down. It's ok though, we'll fight and we'll win :)
There's NO shortage of red pills for the normies lately. Was showing some workmates some Davos interview footage today. Those WEF clowns seem to be the best source atm haha!
Hope life's treating you and yours well!
G'day mate, life's great. It's clownworld but I'm actually enjoying the show.
Not sure why you got the downdoot from someone?
I'm in a zone where there's a potential to be fined for all sorts of bullshit, but if it happens to me I'll just take it to court, contest it - fuck em haha, none of it's legal/ lawful/ loreful ;)
The new illegitimate sap PM with his new Greens cohorts will no doubt try to Biden-style burn this place down. It's ok though, we'll fight and we'll win :)
There's NO shortage of red pills for the normies lately. Was showing some workmates some Davos interview footage today. Those WEF clowns see to be the best source atm haha!
Hope life's treating you and yours well!