Total agreement. The weasel phrases being used to sell this Convention of States is that it would not be a Constitutional Convention. If you’re intent is to open up and massively overhaul the Constitution at a Convention, it is a Constitutional Convention.
The second weasel phrase is the intent is to limit the powers of the Federal Government. The original Constitution and the Bill of Rights already do that. They just need to be enforced, not edited.
And above all, remember that until 2020 is fixed, the delegates who ratify amendments will have been elected in the same dirty system that enabled stealing the election from us.
Total agreement. The weasel phrases being used to sell this Convention of States is that it would s not a Constitutional Convention. If you’re intent is to open up and massively overhaul the Constitution at a Convention, it is a Constitutional Convention.
The second weasel phrase is the intent is to limit the powers of the Federal Government. The original Constitution and the Bill of Rights already do that. They just need to be enforced, not edited.
And above all, remember that until 2020 is fixed, the delegates who ratify amendments will have been elected in the same dirty system that enabled stealing the election from us.