I'm really sorry. Vax destroys immune system. She has AIDS now. You can try to support her organism, eg. cranberries (wild, not cultivated) and lingonberries help with UTI, calming the inflammation of pelvic organs. St. John's wort, dandelion root... Antibiotics in the long run make AIDS worse, they destroy the good bugs in the organism alongside with bad ones - leaving us defenceless.
My parents are double-vaxxed and both had pheumonia in the middle of the summer...
Vax destroys immune system. She has AIDS now. You can try to support her organism, eg. cranberries (wild, not cultivated) and lingonberries help with UTI, calming the inflammation of pelvic organs. St. John's wort, dandelion root... Antibiotics in the long run make AIDS worse, they destroy the good bugs in the organism alongside with bad ones - leaving us defenceless.