It starts with communities, churches, and pastors. How many pastors are standing up and speaking out against abortion, censorship, government corruption, or anything else? Virtually zero. God turned his back on America long ago. If God's people won't stand up and start demanding that things like child murder and child sexualization stop, then don't expect anything else to change either. Any politician who is cool with child murder is going to be cool with violating all your other rights too.
It starts with communities, churches, and pastors. How many pastors are standing up and speaking out against abortion, censorship, government corruption, or anything else? Virtually zero. God turned his back on America long ago. If God's people stand up and start demanding that things like child murder and child sexualization stop, then don't expect anything else to change either. Any politician who is cool with child murder is going to be cool with violating all your other rights too.