I hope the slow drip becomes a flood at some point, at this rate the major truths are going to take a long ass time to show up. I want the great awakening in the next 2 years before Trump is in office so that we can start the damn clean up and arrests with 90% of people including liberals awake.
Once the major truths are revealed, legacy media will be dead. And it can't be Trump being the one to reveal the truth to the leftists, it has to be someone they trust. I'm hoping the plan doesn't involve another stolen election in 2024 because at that point I think regular everyday people will want to take time off their job and start protesting/taking to the streets in DC with guns demanding accountability. But maybe that has to happen? Who knows at this point.
I hope the slow drip becomes a flood at some point, at this rate the major truths are going to take a long ass time to show up. I want the great awakening in the next 2 years before Trump is in office so that we can start the damn clean up and arrests with 90% of people including liberals awake.
Once the major truths are revealed, legacy media will be dead. And it can't be Trump being the one to reveal the truth to the leftists, it has to be someone they trust. I'm hoping the plan doesn't involve another stolen election in 2024 because at that point I think regular everyday people will want to take time off their job and start protesting/taking to the streets in DC with guns. But maybe that has to happen? Who knows at this point.
I hope the slow drip becomes a flood at some point, at this rate the major truths are going to take a long ass time to show up. I want the great awakening in the next 2 years before Trump is in office so that we can start the damn clean up and arrests with 90% of people including liberals awake.
Once the major truths are revealed, legacy media will be dead. And it can't be Trump being the one to reveal the truth to the leftists, it has to be someone they trust. I'm hoping the plan doesn't involve another stolen election in 2024 because at that point I think regular everyday people will want to take time off their job and start rioting. But maybe that has to happen? Who knows at this point.
I hope the slow drip becomes a flood at some point, at this rate the major truths are going to take a long ass time to show up. I want the great awakening in the next 2 years before Trump is in office so that we can start the damn clean up and arrests with 90% of people including liberals awake.
Once the major truths are revealed, legacy media will be dead. And it can't be Trump being the one to reveal the truth to the leftists, it has to be someone they trust. I'm hoping the plan doesn't involve another stolen election in 2024 because at that point I think regular everyday people will start rioting. But maybe that has to happen? Who knows at this point.
I hope the slow drip becomes a flood at some point, at this rate the major truths are going to take a long ass time to show up. I want the great awakening in the next 2 years before Trump is in office so that we can start the damn clean up and arrests with 90% of people including liberals awake.
Once the major truths are revealed, legacy media will be dead. And it can't be Trump being the one to reveal the truth to the leftists, it has to be someone they trust.