People are waking up out of nowhere. My daughter (7ys old) came into my home office, lurking. She said: "what's that book, dad? It reads "The Bible"". And I said: "well it's just it. The Holy Bible". She took it, she wants to read it. Strange thing: two days after she got sick, really sick. The demons are out there, fishing, catching. We treat her with love, prayers, chicken broth and water to get her up and going. She get's better, but this is too far from a coincidence. My little girl wants to be with God and gets attacked. We are over the target, much.
People are waking up out of nowhere. My daughter (7ys old) came into my home office, lurking. She said: "what's that book, dad? It reads "The Bible"". And I said: "well it's just it. The Holy Bible". She took it, she wants to read it. Strange thing: two days after she got sick, really sick. The demons are out there, fishing, catching. We treat her with love, chicken broth and water to get her up and going. She get's better, but this is too far from a coincidence. My little girl wants to be with God and gets attacked. We are over the target, much.