Do not think I am being mamby pamby on asking for forgiveness of your enemies. Christ said, in doing so, one brings hot coals down upon your enemy's head.
Our own hatred of the injustice of others can yield nothing until you give your anger away and give it away in peace.
In the act of earnestly forgiving (letting go) and asking for any soul to receive forgiveness and deliverance that soul will walk through earthly fire and tribulation in answer to that prayer/projection of will.
Do not hate your enemies, love them, bless them, and pray for their forgiveness and redemption.
In so doing you shall heave hot coals upon their heads ...
I did not make the rules, just reporting them for those listening.
PS if you really want to be a shit kicker, start praying for a politician you think needs change in thinking and ask God to give them wisdom. The shit really hits the fan then. lol
Do not think I am being mamby pamby on asking for forgiveness of your enemies. Christ said, in doing so, one brings hot coals down upon your enemy's head.
Our own hatred of the injustice of others can yield nothing until you give your anger away and give it away in peace.
In the act of earnestly forgiving (letting go) and asking for any soul to receive forgiveness and deliverance that soul will walk through earthly fire and tribulation in answer to that prayer/projection of will.
Do not hate your enemies, love them, bless them, and pray for their forgiveness and redemption.
In so doing you shall heave hot coals upon their heads ...
I did not make the rules, just reporting them for those listening.
Do not think I am being mamby pamby on asking for forgiveness of your enemies. Christ said, in doing so, one brings hot coals down upon your enemy's head.
Our own hatred of the injustice of others can yield nothing until you give your anger away and give it away in peace.
In the act of earnestly asking for any soul to receive forgiveness and deliverance that soul will walk through earthly fire and tribulation in answer to that prayer/projection of will.
Do not hate your enemies, love them, bless them, and pray for their forgiveness and redemption.
In so doing you shall heave hot coals upon their heads ...
I did not make the rules, just reporting them for those listening.