Linking Jon Herold to David Nino and Michael Jaco is top kek indeed, say what you will about the Badlands group but I've never heard them: claim or imply to have inside info, promote ridiculous / unverified / unverifiable things such as lizard people, or promote known falsehoods, or promote people who have, and when they do speculate it is stated before, during or after the statements
Linking Jon Herold to David Nino and Michael Jaco is top kek indeed, say what you will about the Badlands group but I've never heard them: claim or imply to have inside info, promote ridiculous / unverified / unverifiable things such as lizard people, or promote known falsehoods, or promote people who have, and when they do speculate it is stated beforehand.
Linking Jon Herold to David Nino and Michael Jaco is top kek indeed, say what you will about the Badlands group but I've never heard them: claim or imply to have inside info, promote ridiculous / unverified / umverifiable things such as lizard people, or promote known falsehoods, or promote people who have, and when they do speculate it is stated beforehand.