People say the same thing about Muslims and even agnostics, atheists, and apatheists.
But I find such views to be too narrow from a freedom standpoint. Freedom of religion is (and freedom to be without religion) is something I and many others hold dear.
People debate whether or not the USA was founded on Christian principles or masonic secrets or puritan belief, but regardless we have a long history of letting people worship (or not) whomever they wish, and even HOW they worship, within bound of reason (no human sacrifice allowed, lol). I see no reason to change that
People say the same thing about Muslims and even agnostics, atheists, and apatheists.
But I find such views to be too narrow from a freedom standpoint. Dreedom of religion is (and freedom to be without religion) is something I and many others hold dear.
People debate whether or not the USA was founded on Christian principles or masonic secrets or puritan belief, but regardless we have a long history of letting people worship (or not) whomever they wish, and even HOW they worship, within bound of reason - no human sacrifice allowed, lol). I see no reason to change that