Not "Poland" but cabal scums in Poland. Know the difference.
Actually Duda's wife is at least daughter of some jew (Kornhauser)
and Tusk is 100% Globalist - actually it looks he is German agent.
Not to mention (not being in DC but worth to mention) cabal scum Sikorski - husband of Anne Apfelbaum who also wants this war (not to mention his son is doing some cybersecurity for US army and Sikorski is Polish foreign policy minister despite being CIA or MI6 - what about his or his son loyality ? Loyal to whom exactly ? British Crown ?)
Yes those people won their elections somehow. But do they REALLY represent Poland?
Not "Poland" but cabal scums in Poland. Know the difference.
Actually Duda's wife is at least daughter of some jew (Kornhauser) and Tusk is 100% Globalist - actually it looks he is German Agent.
Not to mention (not being in DC) cabal scum Sikorski - husband of Anne Apfelbaum who also wants this war (not to mention his son is doing some cybersecurity for US army and Sikorski is Polish foreign policy minister despite being CIA or MI6 - what about his or his son loyality ? Loyal to whom exactly ? British Crown ?)
Yes those people won their elections somehow. But do they really represent Poland?
Not "Poland" but cabal scums in Poland. Know the difference.
Actually Duda's wife is at least daughter of some jew (Kornhauser) and Tusk is 100% Globalist - actually it looks he is German Agent.