Ukrainian is not a race. Ukrainian is a culture and barely a dialectic mishmash of Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian and Muskovite.
It makes perfect sense that Eastern Ukrainians, with or without strategic migration and settling of Russians within the region between 1991 and 2022, would be overwhelmingly Pro-Russian since they are right there on the border and not in direct sightline of the Lviv Bandera memorial. That thing is like a Gorgon or Basilisk, only instead of petrifying hapless victims it turns them into tar-dead Azovsky Neo-Noncies. And the saddest part is, they technically serve under a bunch of Khazarian Fake Jews.
Ukrainians Try Not To Be Blackshirt Stormtroopers in WW2, Neo-Noncies or Victims of Post-Modern International Jewry Challenge, Difficulty: 404 Brain Not Found. Courtesy of FABulous Weather.
Ukrainian is not a race. Ukrainian is a culture and barely a dialectic mishmash of Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian and Muskovite.
It makes perfect sense that Eastern Ukrainians, with or without strategic migration and settling of Russians within the region between 1991 and 2022, would be overwhelmingly Pro-Russian since they are right there on the border and not in direct sightline of the Lviv Bandera memorial. That thing is like a Gorgon or Basilisk, only instead of petrifying hapless victims it turns them into tar-dead Azovsky Neo-Noncies. And the saddest part is, they technically serve under a bunch of Khazarian Fake Jews.
Ukrainians try not to be Blackshirt Stormtroopers in WW2, Neo-Noncies or Victims of Post-Modern International Jewry Challenge, Difficulty: 404 Brain Not Found. Courtesy of FABulous Weather.
Ukrainian is not a race. Ukrainian is a culture and barely a dialectic mishmash of Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian and Muskovite.
It makes perfect sense that Eastern Ukrainians, with or without strategic migration and settling of Russians within the region between 1991 and 2022, would be overwhelmingly Pro-Russian since they are right there on the border and not in direct sightline of the Lviv Bandera memorial. That thing is like a Gorgon or Basilisk, only instead of petrifying hapless victims it turns them into tar-dead Azovsky Neo-Noncies. And the saddest part is, they technically serve under a bunch of Khazarian Fake Jews.
Ukrainians try not to be Blackshirt Stormtroopers in WW2, Neo-Noncies or Victims of Post-Modern International Jewry Challenge, Difficulty: 404 Brain Not Found. Courtesy of FABulous weather.
Ukrainian is not a race. Ukrainian is a culture and barely a dialectic mishmash of Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian and Muskovite.
It makes perfect sense that Eastern Ukrainians, with or without strategic migration and settling of Russians within the region between 1991 and 2022, would be overwhelmingly Pro-Russian since they are right there on the border and not in direct sightline of the Lviv Bandera memorial. That thing is like a Gorgon or Basilisk, only instead of petrifying hapless victims it turns them into tar-dead Azovsky Neo-Noncies. And the saddest part is, they technically serve under a bunch of Khazarian Fake Jews.
Ukrainians try not to be blackshirt stormtroopers, Neo-Noncies or victims of post-modern International Jewry challenge, difficulty: 404 Brain Not Found. Courtesy of FABulous weather.
Ukrainian is not a race. Ukrainian is a culture and barely a dialectic mishmash of Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian and Muskovite.
It makes perfect sense that Eastern Ukrainians, with or without strategic migration and settling of Russians within the region between 1991 and 2022, would be overwhelmingly Pro-Russian since they are right there on the border and not in direct sightline of the Lviv Bandera memorial. That thing is like a Medusa, only instead of petrifying hapless victims it turns them into tar-dead Azovsky Neo-Noncies. And the saddest part is, they technically serve under a bunch of Khazarian Fake Jews.
Ukrainians try not to be blackshirt stormtroopers, Neo-Noncies or victims of post-modern International Jewry challenge, difficulty: 404 Brain Not Found. Courtesy of FABulous weather.
Ukrainian is not a race. Ukrainian is a culture and barely a dialectic mishmash of Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian and Muskovite.
It makes perfect sense that Eastern Ukrainians, with or without strategic migration and settling of Russians within the region between 1991 and 2022, would be overwhelmingly Pro-Russian since they are right there on border and not in direct sightline of the Lviv Bandera memorial. That thing is like a Medusa, only instead of petrifying hapless victims it turns them into tar-dead Azovsky Neo-Noncies. And the saddest part is, they technically serve under a bunch of Khazarian Fake Jews.
Ukrainians try not to be blackshirt stormtroopers, Neo-Noncies or victims of post-modern International Jewry challenge, difficulty: 404 Brain Not Found. Courtesy of FABulous weather.