Also if there a dosing chart for kids and how often. It seems our family has caught a bug and want to squish it before it gets too crazy.


REYNOLD MEDS The gentleman's name is Reynold Brook. I (and many other anons) order exclusively from him because he gives great personal service and he loves America, Trump, and anons.

NOTE: He now ships to the UK, Australia, and Canada. But he said that about 50% of the shipments to Canada are seized by Customs/Postal Service.

If what you need isn't listed, email him directly. His prices are highly competetive, his English is excellent, and his customer service is unbeatable. Shipments take about 21 days.


[email protected]

Grant Pharmacy






Ships from Singapore and Germany. Decent prices and great service.

ReliableRx Pharmacy




[email protected]

Ships from US, so no customs worries and faster delivery time. Ivermectin only. Much higher prices than overseas. Accepts MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, Discover.

IVERMECTIN (media.scored.co)
posted ago by Peach_Head ago by Peach_Head
Ivermectin Squares Off in a New War on Cancer (www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com) ๐Ÿ” Notable
posted ago by brain_dead ago by brain_dead

https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1747353328550568316 or you can try https://nitter.net/WallStreetApes/status/1747353328550568316

Could This Disease X The WEF Is Preparing For? ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ

Miami Hospital Rooms Are Seeing New Disease That Affects All Ages, Displays โ€œAll flu symptoms & swelling in their legs, water in their lungs, fluid in their heart, etcโ€

โ€œTheyโ€™re keeping it from the news, they donโ€™t want you to know whatโ€™s really going onโ€

โ€œListen to this Nurses firsthand account of what she's seeing in Miami area hospital emergency rooms right now.

So the news is not talking about this, but there is something going around. Something else that they infected us with, and it's not COVID. It's not the flu. It's not RSV. All all the typical cold symptoms, sore throat, body aches, fever, cough, congestion, etcetera.

But when they come in to the ER, they have swelling in their legs, um, water in their lungs, fluid in their heart, etcetera. And we're talking people of all ages, including very young people. But they don't want you to know what's really going on, so they're not putting it in the news. I'm telling you, the entire ER where I work at is so full to capacity.

A number of people will send me this and other videos asking what's going on. I am going to investigate and find out, but meanwhile, anyone that has any information, please comment below so we all stay informed as communityโ€


i think i had "covid" this week. after a bout with what seemed like a common cold i am left with a burning sensation, everywhere under my skin. it is the strangest thing i've ever felt. i want to try ivermectin to treat this but sites selling it seem to be selling product intended for animals or just look sketchy in general. i know it's supposed to be "safe" even if you take the animal paste but cmon. has anyone here ordered human ivermectin that actually got delivered and if so, what site did you use?


There was a recent video where Juan O Savin was talking about how ivermectin breaks down spike proteins in the lungs.. just sharing.. ๐Ÿด Neigh ๐Ÿด

perhaps this one, or this


Find a Homeopathic Doctor ,we did and they prescribed ivermectin for both me and my wife during the plandemic.



I've been looking for answers on how to help one of my dogs with an allergy that our vets don't know what caused it or how to help him. Which I'm starting to wonder if it's from vaccinations or food (chicken).

So, I started wondering if ivermectin could help him. Then with this new "mysterious" respiratory illness going around in dogs now, I wondered if it would be a good thing to have on hand &/or go ahead and use on my dogs as a preventative.

Someone (sorry don't remember if it was here or on social media) told me to check this Veterinarian's youtube videos out because I wanted to try natural ways to help our dog.

Dr. Jones is a retired veterinarian who shares how to help our pets ourselves using more natural ways, some things we may already have at home. He uses a lot of things we use like Quercetin, Ivermectin (though he hasn't mentioned it for this new illness yet, commenters do suggest it though), Pancur/Fenben, honey, vitamin D3 in way of cod liver oil, ACV, coconut oil, herbal teas ....

Ivermectin for Cancer in Dogs: Doses and Regimens

He does go over dosage in his video, but in the comments someone asked how she could get ivermectin for her dog and this was his answer:

Current studies show Ivermectin to be beneficial for an array of cancers. There are no published animal doses for cancer, but it is used extensively in dogs/cats for parasites. Dog dose of 1mg (0.1cc) per 10lbs daily for a minimum 30 days and assess response.


Here's Dr. Jone's first video on the mystery dog illness...

Mystery Dog Illness Potentially Fatal and Spreading


Here's his 2nd video on mystery illness...

UPDATE: Mystery Dog Disease Treatments


You can check out his channel to see more of his videos on other health issues...


โญAlso remember that certain dog breeds that have the MDR 1 gene mutation, have bad reactions to Ivermectin, 70% of Collies, 50% of Australian Shepherds, Whippets, Sheepdogs, German Shepherds & some mixed breeds. So if you don't know if your dog has one of these breeds in them, should get your dog tested to see if they can tolerate ivermectin. I know my dogs don't have these breeds in them because I've done their dna on them because one of my past dogs did have a reaction to a medicine and we almost lost her, because she did have collie in her. So after that episode, we had her dna checked and sure enough she had like 12% collie in her, we would never have guessed it.

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