Temper your expectations about the Brunson Case (www.uncoverdc.com) 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by WinnerofGames ago by WinnerofGames



I think people who are opposing this case are looking at it from purely procedural point of view and this is not how Supreme Court does things.

Others who are supporting the case are looking at it from national importance point of view.

Read this article below from a professor teaching constitutional law:


Also, check this video of a constitutional law expert explaining the complaint filed in the Brunson case in detail:


As per allegations in the complaint (which is being explained in this above video), there are 31 states that have violated election laws. I don't think there is any other Court which can decide this issue other than SCOTUS?

The people opposing this case may be right that based on past history, SCOTUS will not get involved in this case. But IMO, if they want to get involved, they have full authority and jurisdiction to take action in this case!

Let's see what happens!


I did some searches of this case to begin on Jan 6th, 2023 on Brave, etc and it was pretty much useless... These are the key results I found on Yandex.com.

Loy Brunson is a Constitutional scholar and one of 4 Brunson brothers. Members of Congress do not have the broad immunity that many of them think they do. The destruction of this concept of Congressional immunity may soon play a huge role as the Supreme Court starts hearing the case Jan 6, 2023 (www.bitchute.com)

SCOTUS Brunson v Adams 22-380 Case- Impeachment of members of Congress not required as Court has power to remove all 388 Defendants from holding office if found guilty under charges of Treason due to violation of their oath by not investigating the claims of election fraud and adhering to the enemy! (https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZqPSMuev/scotus-brunson-v-adams-22380-cas/c/ )

Brunson Bros. drain the swamp

ralandbrunson.com The first One, filed by Loy Brunson is still held up in the Utah Federal Court. The second one, filed by Raland J. Brunson has made it to the Supreme Court of the United...

Is this the Supreme Court case that will... - American Thinker

americanthinker.com›blog/2022…this…supreme_court… —Question of Law in the Supreme Court case known as Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al. (Biden, Harris, Pence & 385 Members of Congress). They Broke Their Oaths.

WILL SCOTUS TAKE THIS ON? The Four Brunson Brothers...

thegatewaypundit.com›2022…will-scotus…brunson…385… According to the complaint, Brunson v. Alma; et al (Docket #22-380), the defendants, Biden, Harris, Pence ... The Brunsons are now appealing the case to the Supreme Court.

BRUNSON v. STATE | FindLaw | Supreme Court of Georgia.

caselaw.findlaw.com›ga-supreme-court/1634985.html Case opinion for GA Supreme Court BRUNSON v. STATE. ... 2. Brunson contends that the trial court should have instructed the jury on the affirmative defense of self-defense.


Of course, they shot down Roe v Wade, so that could hurt this theory. But then, if the White Hats are in control, wouldn’t they be just as bad as the Black Cabal if they were willing to keep Roe active for the sake of optics? That would be the same exact thing as child sacrifice. So no, they took the opportunity with Roe when they had it. All the more reason to shoot down election challenges as they awaited the arrival of the Brunson case…. on January 6.

Perfect timing. Perfect Plan?


War game the scenarios:

  1. Deep state charges Trump - denies him and his supporters any ability to have the voice of the people in office again...

  2. Steal another election from Trump (e.g. 2024+)

  3. Military takeover and arrest of the swamp

Those are the options outside of Brunson. In the above scenario's each of them are going to be met with extreme resistance. We know the elections are rigged. Any 2024+ election will not be taken as easily as the previous. We are all watching and unless the Military wants a full blown civil war that option is not going to fly. I see the same scenario with charging Trump - the people will not stand for their voice to be bombarded with BS charges while officials who are 100000x more guilty are the ones pulling that lever ... again, civil war. And the military?

With each event that is happening you have to conclude there is a reason for it. We have been told and shown over and over again that our military is woke and broke. These events are on purpose. Following that, what did we see with the Supreme Court and their events? We saw them overturn the most controversial legislation in history (Roe V Wade). That event was leaked and pre-gamed to provide additional security as well as prepare SCOTUS for the scenario that would be coming.

The most logical path to draining the swamp and the one that will prevent civil war has to be Bruson. The other options will not stand - If the Military takes over that will immediately be met with folks calling our country a failed marxist takeover / coup - it is not plausible.

SCOTUS has to be the way - the rule of law is their arena and what option exists outside of this? I am sure the Military will have a hand in any uprisings that may occur afterward but they cannot drain the swamp when their Commander in Chief by the fake book is Joe Biden... until he is not.


"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Constitution requires a two-thirds supermajority to convict a person being impeached."

So I just did the math and realized that the number of members of Congress who are respondents in the Brunson Case are: 291/435 for House which is 66.9% (more than two-thirds) and 94/100 for Senate which is 94% (again more than two-thirds) which is the minimum number required as per constitution for conviction after impeachment. Can it just be a coincidence or do these numbers mean something? Does it give extra power to SCOTUS to remove these members while ruling on the Brunson Case?


I think up till now, we are looking at the Brunson case from a Bottom-up approach.

We are assuming that these Brunson brothers are ordinary average American citizens who have managed to docket this most important case in US history to the Supreme Court by chance. What if Trump/White hats are running the show behind the scenes? Few points to support this theory are:

  1. The brothers were famous in their career and did shows all over. So technically, you can't call them ordinary average citizens?

  2. Due to their status, they even performed for President Ronald Raegan and could have easily built political connections over time?

  3. One of the brothers Loy Brunson even ran for Senate and was definitely politically inclined?

  4. Loy Brunson asks Donald Trump Questions at Freedomfest (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek5ehj968nE). So definitely could have connected with Trump?

  5. DJT is absolutely silent on this case when he is the biggest beneficiary? No leaks?

  6. Timing of this case. Conference on 1/6? Kari Lake Arizona election about to be over-turned by court?

  7. Loy Brunson has admitted in one of his interviews that the brothers are protected by special forces and have even visited Mar-a-Lago?


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