Entering Week 40 of FLCCC Ivermectin Protocol 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by 45DRAGONDENERGY ago by 45DRAGONDENERGY

Still here.

Doing well.

One side effect is that my heartburn has drastically subsided. Rarely need anything.

That is all.

Carry on.


Has anyone used Ivermectin or hydroxichloriquin or anything like these to treat chronic ear infections in a toddler?




Put it all his bottles over the weekend and on his sores topically just once. It’s Monday morning and it’s like he never had it. Usually takes 10 days and it’s a nightmare.

Thanks, horse paste! ;)

Ivermectin - 11 minute video about origin and uses (www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org) 🐴 HORSEPASTE HISTORY 🐴
posted ago by TrumpRul3s ago by TrumpRul3s

Inquiring minds want to know.


Maybe 2 months ago in an ivermectin discussion someone mentioned they dilute sheep drench ivermectin and take it daily (or weekly).

I've done searches but can't find the post.

Can someone please repost or simply let me know the dosage?

I should have archived it (ARCHIVE EVERYTHING OFFLINE!!!). My bad....


two types of pink eye. Viral and Bacterial. MY neighbor is an eye doctor. diagnosed me with Viral. I had a slight sore throat and a slight cough. He said Common Cold symptoms are common. Took Ivermectin twice, with Zinc....a few hours after the 2nd dose i was 100%


694 Feb 07, 2018 10:06:12 PM EST Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee33a6 No. 300473 694

What if CURES already exist? What about the billions (public/private/govt) provided to fund cure dev? Sheep. These people are sick! Q

        This Nobel Prize-Winning Drug Is Now Quietly Under Attack: It's Not Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin

Enter Artemisia Annua (Artemisin, Sweet Wormwood), a cheap, safe, ancient herbal medicine and anti-malarial that also treats COVID-19.

But that's not all it does:

• broad antiviral activity against viruses (Herpes, HIV, Hep B&C, EBV, CMV, Zika)

• binds Spike protein of SARS-COV2 more strongly than hydroxychloroquine

• has immunoregulatory effects to decrease cytokines, cytokine storm, ARDS, organ damage and lung fibrosis in COVID-19 infection (blocks NF-κB signaling)

• Anti-cancer affects (via blocking NF-κB) for prostate, cervical, colorectal cancers

However, papers on the drug have been retracted. Herbal products recalled. Why is it under attack?

This information was compiled by an article written by Dr.


(give him a follow). Read the full article in the comment below.



Ivermectin: THEY KNEW says Dr. Shoemaker (twitter.com) 💥 RED PILL 💥
posted ago by 10122046 ago by 10122046
Back in 2016, DARPA recommended IVERMECTIN to the CDC (twitter.com) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by brain_dead ago by brain_dead

So i have been seriously considering taking a course of ivermectin proactively to maybe kill any parasites my body may have and to generally improve my health, as i believe it may do more good than harm no matyer what. Am i right? im wondering how to go about from beginning to end including where i can get it without much trouble. Can any of you great people give me some advice? Googling is giving me trouble because of all the anti ivermectin stuff on the front of the searches Thanks guys.


For those with loved ones that are affected with MS or other neurological issues - this seems very promising.

These hidden drugs are a game changer. Iver, Doxy, FebBen, ect.

Substack from the "2nd smartest guy in the world":


"Ivermectin can also induce remyelination. Myelin is the lining around nerve cells that gets destroyed in MS—Ivermectin can reverse this in MS animal models. (This is a complex topic beyond the scope of this post, and not without caveats, so I’ll plan to write a separate post about MS soon.) Ivermectin also promotes the regrowth of damaged peripheral nerves and functions as an immunomodulator, meaning that it helps fix an abnormal immune response. And to top it off, “Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use.”

Given the above, you might imagine that ivermectin could be useful for patients suffering from chronic infections that confuse the immune system, as such patients frequently wind up with long-term neurologic damage. And that’s why I have so much experience with it, even before Covid. I’ve prescribed it for countless patients over the years and it’s been enormously helpful for a significant subset."

Ivermectin Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration during Wound Healing: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.8b01451#

We also follow the parasite protocol and will be doing a 9 week anti viral at the end of this month.

More info on the parasite protocols: www.contrabandcures.com

@theparasiteguy on TwitX

On Truth Social @Floridasharkman @ssg_q

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