I need your help to crowdsource this map. If you had pharmacies deny prescriptions for HCQ or IVM, please add their pharmacy info to the submission form on the page. We should avoid those pharmacies in the future. https://brokentruth.com/bad-pharmacies/

posted ago by panamax ago by panamax

My 32 year-old-niece has Cystic Fibrosis. Vaxxed 4 times via her CF clinic. She’s had Covid TWICE this summer. Her second bout started yesterday. She won’t take Ivermectin—a proven drug with a 60-year safety profile. The disconnect has made me so angry, and so stupefied, I have no words.

So…. You’d rush out for an unstudied, unproven vaccine, but a little $5 drug taken by millions everyday is too dangerous? It just blows my mind. You went from “All In” to danger to risk adverse about Ivermectin and it just defies any kind of logic.

My daughter’s friend, 33 years-old, and three-times vaxxed, was diagnosed with metastasized turbo cervical cancer but she won’t try FenBen, because it’s just too radical. How is it more radical than your untested, dangerous vaccine?

My daughter, three-times vaxxed, can’t get pregnant, but she’d rather sit in her ignorance than do a vaccine-detox protocol comprised of mostly supplements and vitamins?

It’s just so beyond my understanding. It makes absolutely no sense. None at all.

I have no other choice than to believe the people in my life have no brains left. And I fear one day I will be mourning them all.

God help us. Truly. Make this next year “the return of the brain.”


Do any of you guys have a link to a place that sells ivermectin and ships to North America (Canada)?

I got food poisoning the other day and I used ivermectin to get rid of it and it worked

I use the horse paste, I wouldn't mind having more horse paste, but if you guys know of any like human pill form ivermectin suppliers, that would be even better

The Miracle of Ivermectin: Parasitic Worms & (Turbo) Cancers (www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog

Ivermectin: From Soil to Worms, and Beyond


Take careful note of the date: November 21, 2019. BEFORE the covid hit the fan.

What do penicillin, aspirin and ivermectin have in common? Apart from the fact that they rhyme, all three belong to a very select group of drugs that can claim to have had the “greatest beneficial impact on the health and well-being of humanity”. They have at least two other things in common: all three were found in nature and all three led to a Nobel prize. ...


A friend of mine needs ivermectin. I sent a link to America's frontline doctors, but she can't figure out how to get an appointment to get a prescription. Is their another website that is easier to navigate?

A little back story, about a year ago my uncle had to have surgery for a stroke in his back. His aorta tore and was bleeding into his spine. They put 2 splints in his aorta and did physical therapy. I did find out from my mother that he was vaccinated for a vacation he went on with his girlfriend. They have been struggling for this entire year with an infection. He is currently back in the hospital from coughing up blood and they are saying his aorta is starting fuse to his esophagus. They tell him him they are baffled and don't know how to get rid of the infection. They tell him he has only 2 years to live if they can't figure it out. I'm totally against Pharamakeia and my mom is with me. She said her brother would probably listen if she told him about ivermectin. Just curious if anyone knows about if that could be helpful for him or if there is any good information someone could point me to that I can share with him? Thank you!🙏


Where is the best place to get ivermectin pills?

The War on Ivermectin (rumble.com) 🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸
posted ago by BerlinWallCrosser ago by BerlinWallCrosser
Ivermectin Could Have Saved Millions of Lives, Why Was It Suppressed... (www.lewrockwell.com) 🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸
posted ago by tweety51A ago by tweety51A
Ivermectin Could Have Saved Millions of Lives, Why Was It Suppressed? (www.lewrockwell.com) 🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸
posted ago by brain_dead ago by brain_dead
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