AUSTRALIA: All of a sudden, ivermectin is safe again


"... Nowhere, back in September 2021, did the TGA say there had been a rise in serious adverse events associated with ivermectin. The closest the regulator came was stating a ‘potential’ to cause severe adverse events. Hmm… So, if a therapeutic agent is restricted for ‘potentially’ causing serious adverse events, what happens when a therapeutic agent actually causes serious adverse events? Let’s move on. ..."


Frens- My mom developed what looks like a small ball on the bottom of her eye over some months. It is partially in the waterline. She refused to go to the doctor for reasons we can all understand. The size of this ball was a bit smaller in diameter than the back of a pen, or a pencil eraser. It became reddened, and started getting painful. She decides to go see her doctor. Doctor says it's cancer, and refers her to a specialist which she's still waiting to see. I asked her if she would like to try Ivermectin, and MMS while she waits. (If that failed then I was going to have her try fenbendazole.) She says yes.

I saw her today and couldn't believe my eyes. I don't think she could either. It's been a week and a half. The size of this mass is 1/2 what it was, no longer red or painful. This improvement was reached with (1) dose of Ivermectin according to her bodyweight, per day, and 2 drop doses of MMS 1-2x per day. She is taking it slow because I don't think she had a lot of faith it would do anything. Because she's taking both the Ivermectin and the MMS (internally and applied topically), I can't say 100% it's one over the other. But I can tell you I've never seen anything work so fast in my life. We don't know what the industry standard treatment protocol is for something like this. We assumed it would be some kind of cutting or radiation which she doesn't want.

We wanted to take before and after pictures, and we wanted to tell her doctor, but decided against it. Dr's simply can't be trusted anymore. I'm going to take a picture of it for our own before and after to put in our own medical reference manual. She's going to stay on it another week, then take a week break, then start again. Her appointment is at the end of May. I told her if we continue to see improvement we can reschedule the appointment, and give this a little more time to work. If/When it goes away she's planning on going to the dr for a follow up to see what he says. I thought you should know.


Reasons for suspected connection at least at key nutrient level:

  1. Active ingredient in both appears to be polyphenols
  2. Both sources appear to be micro-organisms that appear in and around mushrooms or the soil that they are in

Kitasato Institute isolated organisms from soil samples and carried out preliminary in vitro evaluation of their bioactivity.

  1. Heavy research was instigated into both avermectin (ivermectin precursor) AND how chaga mushroom extract works in the mid-to-late 1960s
  2. Ivermectin appears to be indirectly derived from quinine which was created from "the bark of trees"; Chaga mushroom grows on the "bark of trees in northern latitudes" (avermectin+HCQ=Ivermectin theory)

Some info to get you started if you want to dig into Phytonutrients:

20APR 2022; "Clinical Evidence of the Benefits of Phytonutrients in Human Healthcare": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9102588/

15DEC 2007; "New antioxidant polyphenols from the medicinal mushroom Inonotus obliquus (Chaga)": https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17980585/

10FEB 2011; "Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/

Chaga info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inonotus_obliquus


BREAKING: "We now have a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 399 people that found that ivermectin reduced the risk of infection following exposure to SARS-CoV-2 by 72%. https://c19ivm.org/desorthenin.html https://twitter.com/CKellyUAP/status/1648399078550802433 Further, those in the Ivermectin group also had a 96% lower risk of becoming infected with a high viral load. The evidence is now irrefutable - Ivermectin is substantially more effective and safer than the experimental vaccines. It’s not even close."


This is the post I was referring to in my other post (https://greatawakening.win/p/16an0sjwbZ/update-dad-is-out-of-nursing-hom/) and because my father had a hard time breathing due to his UTI, they put him on oxygen tanks and all.

He now have an oxygen homefill and oxygen concentrator at home. He isn't too happy with it because he had a stroke back in the early 2000's and lost about 80% mobility in his left side. With him having a breathing tube up his nose and having to go to the bathroom or around his home, he have to be careful with the tubing that's connected to the concentrator. He's worried that he may trip and fall down because the tubing would get tangled with his walker, his body or his legs.

They diagnosed him with COPD a few years ago because Dad was around people who smoked heavily, especially my mom. He is not a smoker at all but apparently he contracted COPD because of his constant exposure to smoking.

I've been doing some research of my own on whether ivermectin can help people with COPD and I remember from my previous readings on here, some people mentioned that ivermectin cured their COPD (it was in the comment section, not as a post, which is why I couldn't find info on this via GAW search). I'm not having much luck, even with Presearch because they keep giving me links to articles shaming ivermectin, especially when a person has COVID symptoms. I don't think I've rolled my eyes over a million times ever in my life time in one day alone, before doing this research.

I also came across one of the older posts about someone having chronic bronchitis (https://greatawakening.win/p/16aA9409QY/i-have-had-chronic-bronchitis-my/c/) and how ivermectin helped that person with their ailment, going through the most recent winter without chronic bronchitis for the first time. Chronic Bronchitis is a form of COPD, per that post and that's what got me wondering if using ivermectin to treat COPD itself, will ivermectin reduce the severity or eradicate it completely?

I also came across this research paper on the use of ivermectin to treat Pulmonary Strongyloidiasis in a patient with COPD. It is similar to COPD in many ways, which is why doctors often confuse the two when diagnosing a patient for COPD.


In that article, it said that they tried several medications to treat strongyloidiasis but ultimately found that oral ivermectin is the best medication to use along with antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin, which is usually used to treat UTI.

With that said, I'd like to treat my father with Ivermectin because not only does he have COPD or maybe strongyloidiasis (?), he also have Rheumatoid Arthritis (from his stroke) and I believe that's also something ivermectin can treat. He also have hypertension and I remember a lot of people were commenting that it also treated their hypertension, to the point where they don't have to rely on their blood pressure medication anymore.

At this point, I've been seeing that ivermectin is being touted as a "wonder drug" that still continues to surprise the medical world with what ivermectin can do to someone, almost as if it's a panacea. This is why I want to try this on my father but I'm somewhat hesitant until I see some feedback from people with personal experience, especially ones with COPD.

I know everyone on here isn't a doctor or in the medical field, but I'm asking those with first hand experience with ivermectin, especially the ones who have/had COPD, would this be something I should have my father take? I also am not sure what the frequency should be and how many mg's my father should take. I've been seeing in the comment section, people were taking 12 mg once a day for like 5 days, 2 weeks, 1 month, 10 months etc.

I'm also wondering about the side effects because the articles that spoke negatively about ivermectin, were listing a lot of side effects such as diarrhea (which is expected as one would be expelling parasites from their body via bowel movement), tremors/shaking, headaches, blurry eyes, etc. From the articles I've read that spoke positively about ivermectin, made zero mentions of any side effects. Not sure if leaving the side effects out was intended or there were actually none? Like I mentioned, my father is old, suffered a stroke and have a hard time moving around so I don't want him to experience any drastic side effects then he'd think ivermectin isn't working and quit halfway.

I have the pill form here so I plan on using that to treat my father. Is ivermectin fine by itself or should it be taken with something else like Zinc or Ciprofloxacin? My father was already treated for UTI and I'm assuming they gave him antibiotics for UTI, so should he continue with antibiotics or will ivermectin suffice? AllDayChemist has Cipro but it comes in both 250mg and 500mg so I have no idea which one to get along with the frequency. Not only that but it may be a month or two before I get the product. I've ordered from AllDayChemist before as that's where I got my ivermectin pills from. It took about a month and half for the pills to arrive, which is why I'm guessing it would be the same for Cipro. I'd like to treat my father ASAP but I think I can wait a month or two for Cipro if it's needed.

So to sum this up: my father has COPD, Rheumatoid Arthritis and hypertension, currently using a big ass oxygen concentrator that is giving him trouble getting around the house due to the tubing, should ivermectin be something my father take to treat for COPD-like symptoms? Any other suggestions like taking it with Zinc? Ciprofloxacin? Substitute ivermectin with Fenbendazole (for which I also have on hand; 222mg) or follow this "cocktail recipe" someone posted on here: Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vitamin C and Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)?


Buy Ivermectin 12mg online is an oral medication that is used for various medical conditions in humans. Some of the common uses of Ivermectin 12 mg include:

Treatment of parasitic worm infections: Ivermectin 12 mg is used for the treatment of certain parasitic worm infections such as river blindness, strongyloidiasis, and filariasis.

Treatment of scabies: Ivermectin 12 mg is also used to treat scabies, which is a skin condition caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite.

Treatment of head lice: Ivermectin 12 mg can be used to treat head lice infestations.

COVID-19 treatment: Ivermectin 12 mg has been studied as a potential treatment for COVID-19, although its effectiveness is still under investigation.

It is important to note that Ivermectin should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional, and the appropriate dosage and duration of treatment will depend on the illness being treated and the specific patient's medical history.


This is part of some research that I am doing. What would be the benefit of taking (1) dose of Ivermectin @1.87% every 12 Hours ?

Please feel free to DM if you are unsure of your answer in the Quest of Doing No Harm.

Starter Questions: What would the removal of all the 'worms' from an organism do?

Are you concerned with contraindications or Have Experience with this med, do tell !

IF YOU HAVE CANCER - PLEASE READ - (covers Ivermectin treatments) (www.brightworkresearch.com) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by DJT4MoreYears ago by DJT4MoreYears

Out of curiosity, does anyone know how effective IV is against roundworm and other parasitic worms that could be hanging out in humans? I do not think I have any of these, but have recently had raccoons poop in my yard a few times now and know they can carry harmful roundworms and I am worried about my children. Any advice on dosage, if raccoons are really an issue with roundworms etc is appreciated. I am no expert so any medical advice from experts is appreciated.

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