Please help me with this question. I purchased ivermectin from both USA and from India The pills are different sizes and due to my curious nature I decided to further investigate by chewing each one. The pill from USA is a bigger pill and has a bitter aftertaste. The one from India is smaller and has no aftertaste. I am aware this could be due to excipients/additives. How can I tell if either is legit? What is ivermectin supposed to taste like? Thanks for your help.


I cannot find any research that connects these two topics. Anyone with personal experience, or research they can share?



This post is ONLY a serious warning to my fellow Anon Frens and NOT medical advice in any legal way. Please research this for yourself and consult with medical professionals first.

I feel it’s important to explain to you all what happened to me these past few days. I’ve only taken the horsey-paste a couple times. I took it because I’ve eaten some pretty weird stuff while traveling the world on business. Also, because I'm a bug magnet. Biting flies, mosquitos, ticks, you name it, they will find me. It’s like the insects hear a dinner bell and swarm me when I step outside. It’s a running joke in my family to invite me to activities so nobody else gets bitten. I've had many tick bites over the years with minor skin reactions but no Lyme tests or official diagnosis.

🟢 My first Ivermectin dose was last summer – Took the proper dosage based on my weight and didn't notice any changes immediately. A couple weeks later I came to the realization that I no longer get debilitating migraine headaches when I don't have food in my system. I can now go 14 - 16 hours without food and not even a hint of a headache. I normally have a large appetite despite having a below average BMI for my age. I'm now wondering if the previous hunger migraines were parasites dying off due to a lack of sugar and carbs. 🤷‍♂️ I’ve never tried fasting before and simply couldn’t understand how other people could do it without suffering migraines, dizziness, jitters and weakness like me. It appears that fasting truly is a way to cleanse your system, I just never dared to attempt it.

🟢 Second Ivermectin dose was last Thursday (Mar 9th) - No immediate reaction but that evening I had jitters like I had drank too much coffee even though I had none. Jitters turned into tingling in my arms and pressure / pain in my chest. Small headache in the back of my head that would occasionally send a shooting pain down my neck. This may have set off a mental panic reaction (thoughts of stroke / heart attack) as my pulse was a little high (maxed at around 100) but oxygen levels were fine. I couldn't sleep since the jitters kept waking me up. I thought about calling 911 several times but stuck it out since I don't trust hospitals either. Monday night the symptoms worsened to include dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea and hyperventilation. I truly thought this could be the end for me and that I would miss the Great Awakening with my wife and kids. Thank God I was able to go see my Dr on Tuesday. They ran an EKG, checked Blood Pressure and listened to heart and lungs. All perfectly normal results! I even did an anxiety test and scored really low since I’m always a pretty chill guy. Other than occasional dizziness, all the other symptoms have disappeared.

This episode has me wondering; was this second batch of IVM reacting to other parasites I had? Possibly it attacked an undiagnosed case of Lyme Disease and I had a brutal "Herxheimer Reaction”? Many of the symptoms listed here are a match. Another helpful link - Here.

TLDR: Please beware of possible Herxheimer reactions when parasites are killed off in your body. My experience was pretty scary, and I don’t want any Frens to provoke a heart attack or stroke.

Hat tip to u/20-guage for your knowledge and support.


We make gin and whiskey in stills in the woods. Does anyone know how to grow/make Ivermectin at home? I'm reading that the big Pharma are buying up the small Indian factories to corner the market. If India can do it why can't we.

Ivermectin Cover-Up? (
posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog

Persuaded my vaxxed daughter to get some Ivermectin, now trying to get her to take it. She is sick: says its not covid but a cold, coughing a lot. What amount should she be taking and how often?

Many thanks in advance.


Welp. My husband and I just found out our puppy has worms. Lovely.

Vet said they’re transmitted through licks. We’re headed to get ourselves ivermectin.

Does anyone have recommendations on dosing and such?

Thanks in advance!


Florida Doctor Removed from Hospital Board Meeting After Testifying on the Effectiveness of Ivermectin to Treat Covid

On Tuesday, a Florida family medicine doctor was kicked out of the board meeting after testifying about the effectiveness of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

Dr. John Littell, who served in the U.S. Army for seven years and is a 25-year board-certified family physician, was removed from the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board Meeting after providing testimony on the efficacy of Ivermectin.

The results of an internal examination into how Sarasota Memorial Hospital handled patient care during the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic were shared with the public on Tuesday afternoon, Herald-Tribune reported.

“The direction we gave the staff was this report should be related to those things: how did the hospital respond to the pandemic, not to get into the weeds of (federal Centers for Disease Control) protocols, or the (National Institutes of Health), comments from Dr. Fauci (Anthony Fauci, former chief medical advisor to Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden), pros and cons, the difference between the Biden administration and the Trump administration,” Hospital Board Chairman Tramm Hudson said. “We can’t control that, that’s not what we’re looking at.

It can be recalled in 2021, Dr. Littell said that he had successfully treated about 3,000 COVID-19 patients with the human version of Ivermectin.

Wesh reported:

It’s a bold statement from a local doctor who says he’s treated around 3,000 patients with ivermectin and has seen its positive results. Littell has been a family physician since 1990, practicing in Kissimmee and Ocala. Littell says he’s got a target on his back for being so outspoken about ivermectin – but feels it’s the right thing to do for his patients.

“I have to say this bluntly but carefully – I’ve already been suspended from one hospital and fined $500 for ultimately doing the right thing for the patient. But the bottom line is hospitals are not allowing us to provide optimal care,” Littell said.

Littell says ivermectin was lifesaving during the delta variant because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-blood clotting properties.

“It was preventing that cytokine storm, which is when you have inflammation throughout the whole body that leads to kidney failure and leads to respiratory failure,” Littell said.

One of Littell’s patients Stacie Morales, a recently retired nurse, got COVID-19 last summer. She decided against getting the vaccine for personal reasons. When her oxygen was low, she called Littell instead of going to the hospital where she worked at the time.

“I didn’t like the protocols that they had for COVID. And my oxygen being that low, there’s a good chance I would have been intubated,” Morales said. “I’ve been with Dr. Littell for over 20 years. So my faith was in my doctor. And plus my own research. Within two hours, I was starting to breathe better. My oxygen had gone all the way down to 80. So at this point, then I could see right away in two hours, it was starting to come up.”

On Tuesday, Dr. Littell shared with the board members how he saved lives during the pandemic.

Unfortunately, they didn’t agree with what they heard, and Dr. Littell was asked to leave.


Ivermectin worked for me, my son and my wife. And when my wife took it it had a very surprising upside. You see my wife has had severe acid reflux. We even had to tip our bed so it was not flat. She has been rotating through various pills for this for like 10 years. It sometimes gets so bad that food gets stuck and she cant swallow due to the swelling and throat inflammation. She has eaten a truck load of antiacids and tons of prescription pills.

After taking the ivermectin when she was very sick from covid/flu she has not had acid reflux since. Its been a month and its gone. Not reduced but gone. This is the first time in over 10 years where she is not being tortured daily by it.

The funny thing is that she knew I was taking tons of ivermectin, my son took it, but she fought me on taking it until she was very sick. Its almost like she hates to admit that I was right and the acid reflux is a super bonus.

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