1. DNA test confirms that Ilhan Omar did indeed marry her biological brother https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/report-dna-testing-confirms-ilhan-omar-married-biological-brother-testing-allegedly-included-ilhans-dirty-cigarette-butt/

  2. Will they call Obama’s birthday bash a super spreader? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/obama-variant-60-test-positive-marthas-vineyard-week-mask-less-birthday-weekend-almost-half-new-cases-fully-vaccinated/

  3. Biden is still avoiding the White House, now goes from Delaware to Camp David https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/joe-biden-takes-off-camp-david-not-take-questions-reporters-video/

  4. Leaked audio reveals Biden’s DHS chief admitting the border policy is unsustainable, says “we’re going to lose” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/mayorkas-were-going-to-lose-border-crisis-leaked-audio

  5. Schwarzenegger torches those who don’t wear masks, then is immediately seen out and about maskless https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/maskless-arnold-schwarzenegger-calling-people-schmucks-cigar

  6. Federal judge upholds Trump’s remain-in-Mexico policy https://www.foxnews.com/politics/judge-biden-admin-trump-era-remain-in-mexico-policy-texas-missouri-lawsuit

See you tomorrow.

  1. Whistleblower in Detroit proves that voting machine was connected to the internet during election https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/breaking-exclusive-whistleblower-steps-forward-provides-proof-detroit-center-election-machines-connected-online-photo/

  2. Gov. Abbott says Biden’s call for more foreign oil ignores Texas’ ability to solve the US oil supply problem all by itself https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/12/greg-abbott-biden-opec-oil-texas/

  3. Despite Dems’ push to shun unvaccinated people, DHS admits that border crossers are increasingly covid-positive https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/12/dhs-admits-coronavirus-positive-border-crossers-increasingly-arriving-in-u-s/

  4. Biden Admin utterly screws up Afghanistan withdrawal after promising that Taliban can’t retake the country … months later, Taliban controls two-thirds of Afghanistan and Biden is sending US troops back https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2021/08/12/pentagon-deploying-3000-us-troops-back-afghanistan-temporary-mission/ and https://www.foxnews.com/world/taliban-takes-kandahar

  5. Biden heads back to Delaware, 18th time in six months and twice in this week alone https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/08/12/biden-bails-for-delaware-as-afghanistan-crumbles-n2594068

  6. 79% blame government policy for inflation surge https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/08/12/nolte-79-blame-government-policy-devastating-inflation-surge/

  7. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot supports decision to forego traditional bagpipe honor procession for fallen police officer, cancelled because “we don’t have time for that shit” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/disgraceful-chicago-mayor-backs-decision-cancel-honor-guard-bagpipes-fallen-officer-ella-french-police-superintendent-says-dont-20-minutes-s-t/

  8. Not one single mainstream media outlet covered Hunter Biden’s video statement that Russians have damning sex tapes of him https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/us-media-goes-full-pravda-not-one-single-mainstream-outlet-reports-presidents-naked-son-hooker-complaining-russians-stealing-laptop-blackmail/

  9. Joe Biden supports mask mandates in speech, then walks away from podium without wearing his mask https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/biden-slams-governors-politicizing-masks-schools-violates-mask-mandate-video/

  10. Nine moderate Democrat House members defy Pelosi and delay $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation effort for now https://www.foxnews.com/politics/moderate-dems-pelosi-infrastructure-3-5t-spending-plan-block

  11. New York court orders deposition of New York Times, siding with Project Veritas https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/let-depositions-begin-new-york-supreme-court-sides-project-veritas-suit-new-york-times/

  12. Catherine Herridge teases that a Durham Report is coming https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1426157058676641800

See you tomorrow.


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jvyox5ho/wins-of-the-day-august-11-2021/

  1. Cyber Symposium reveals that the machines were updated TWICE during election day, making the election illegal (which we already knew)

  2. It also revealed that NO Sec. of State certified their elections

  3. Leaked video shows naked Hunter Biden telling Hooker that Russian drug dealers stole another laptop


  1. America First host calls out FBI, tells people they stole almost $500k from his bank account


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

And remember, pay attention to the Cyber Symposium.

  1. Texas Senate to do a forensic audit, passes Senate despite Dem filibuster effort https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/breaking-texas-senate-passes-bill-favor-forensic-audit-18-11-vote-following-failed-democrat-filibuster/

  2. Two Dominion employees worked in California elections office https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/discovered-cyber-symposium-dominion-employees-working-voter-registrar-office-video/

  3. CodeMonkeyZ releases files at Lindell Cyber Symposium despite legal threats https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/huge-update-codemonkeyz-files-released-lindell-cyber-symposium-not-stolen-reported-earlier-findings-game-changer/

  4. Soros-funded Colorado Secretary of State is caught trying to frame whistleblower Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, who had covered herself so well that the frame effort failed spectacularly https://rumble.com/vkogwy-dominion-whistlebloweradmin-password-remote-access.html and https://gazette.com/news/mesa-county-clerk-tina-peters-slams-secretary-of-states-probe-during-appearance-at-symposium/article_fb1a5484-92b3-59eb-ad8b-cbbb2a04f125.html

  5. Joe confused, calls Gretchen Whitmer “Jennifer” as he is confused between her and his Cabinet Member, Sec. of Energy Jennifer Granholm https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/11/joe-biden-mistakenly-calls-gretchen-whitmer-jennifer17474058/

  6. Biden refuses to release visitor logs from 17 trips home to Delaware as President https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-wont-release-delaware-visitor-logs-despite-17-trips-home

  7. After strangling US energy industry, now Biden pleads for foreign oil, revealing to voters how quickly a bad president can undo the good work done by Trump https://www.foxnews.com/media/joe-biden-energy-industry-more-oil-salena-zito

  8. Manchin and Sinema still are not on board for $3.5 trillion spending package https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2021/08/11/manchin-sinema-were-still-not-on-board-with-3-5-trillion-reconciliation-package-n408199

  9. Without any announcement, CDC quietly corrects Florida’s covid numbers after Florida pointed out that the CDC had tried to pack many days of Florida’s numbers into one day to create impression massive spike https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/cdc-quietly-adjusts-floridas-covid-19-numbers-states-health-department-blasts-combining-multiple-days-data-one/

  10. Fauci, camera-off = mask-off https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1425571346382303233

  11. Pfizer doesn’t mandate vax for its employees https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/12/report-confidential-documents-reveal-pfizer-does-not-mandate-vaccines-for-employees/

  12. The most vaccine hesitant group in America? PhDs, the most educated among us https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1425602311242412032/photo/1

  13. Video emerges of Hunter telling a prostitute that Russians have one of his laptops and videos of him having sex, heavily implies that they will use if for extortion purposes https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/naked-hunter-biden-tells-hooker-russian-drug-dealers-stole-another-laptop-blackmail-video/

See you tomorrow.


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jvuBfvk8/wins-of-the-day-august-10-2021--/

A quick recap of stuff that happened on Day 1:

  1. It is revealed that without China's interference (not without other fraud), Trump won the following states: MI, WI, NV, NH, MINN, PA, and GA (may have missed some, please let me know)

  2. Mike Lindell calls out the media in REAL TIME to throw a wrench in their narrative

  3. Dr. Frank reveals that other counties in AZ are being audited with FULL ACCESS to routers

  4. Mike Lindell baits CO Sec. of State - gets the DS to raid his witness' office when she goes on stage

See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! And remember, pay attention to today's Cyber Symposium.

  1. Yeah, yeah, Cuomo resigns due to his serial sexual harassment and assaults ... he was going to go sometime, but this timing is very interesting, it's a Deep State distraction effort.

  2. Virginia Giuffre sues Prince Andrew, another distraction on the same theme, hmmm

  3. The Arizona State Senator pedophile resigns ... again, these are sacrifices to try to appease us since we have made it well known we will hunt down pedophiles to the end of the Earth. Do you see the theme clearly now? All on the same topic, all at once, all on a theme to hopefully get our interest.

They are terrified of the Arizona Audit and what Trump will reveal through Lindell and others. Watch this instead: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/08/10/video-during-cyber-symposium-shows-forensic-perspective-of-who-what-and-how-u-s-voting-data-was-modified/

There was Nothing Fucking Winnable there


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jdEHvLwA/wins-of-the-day-august-9-2021/

  1. "US Gold Medalists Call Out Doubting Media After Win: ‘You Are an American, Too. Act Like It.’"


  1. Ron DeSantis to withhold salaries of school officials who enforce mask mandates


  1. Sky News makes fun of Biden's intelligence


  1. NYT tries to claim that the crowd in Obama's birthday bash was vaccinated despite saying vaccinated people need to wear masks again


  1. You guys need to see this absurdity


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

  1. Panicked creepy moron Cuomo is trying to make a deal to avoid impeachment https://nypost.com/2021/08/09/cuomo-making-last-ditch-attempt-to-avoid-impeachment-report/

  2. Virginia Giuffre sues Prince Andrew for sexual abuse of a minor https://news.sky.com/story/prince-andrew-us-lawsuit-accuses-royal-of-sexually-abusing-virginia-giuffre-12377669

  3. Another billionaire is being sued by minor who was flown to be part of Epstein’s harem https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/08/billionaire-leon-black-flew-russian-model-to-meet-jeffrey-epstein-new-legal-filing-claims

  4. GOP will remove AOC and Swalwell from committees when it gains the majority https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house-gop-eyes-removing-swalwell-omar

  5. DOJ is forced to admit to court that it is reviewing “potentially exculpatory” evidence in cases against Jan. 6 protestors https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/09/doj-tells-court-it-is-still-reviewing-potentially-exculpatory-evidence-in-capitol-riot-cases/

  6. More covid facts to offset media and government hysteria, as Massachusetts reports that average age of breakthrough covid deaths is 82.5 years https://www.breitbart.com/health/2021/08/09/massachusetts-coronavirus-data-average-age-breakthrough-case-deaths-82-5/

  7. CDC is caught trying to add several days of Florida data and report it as one day in order to drive criticism of DeSantis’ policies https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/cdc-combines-multiple-days-data-one-make-appear-florida-reporting-record-number-new-daily-covid-cases/

  8. Shock, as the race for Seattle City Attorney is led by a Republican, showing how much even Dem voters are tired of the Defund movement and criminal amnesty https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/shock-leading-candidate-city-attorney-blue-seattle-republican/

  9. Fulton County, Georgia, election officials caught in another lie https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/caught-fulton-county-georgia-caught-another-lie-claims-5000-absentee-ballots-adjudicated-2020-election-previously-claimed-100000-absentee-ballots-actually/

  10. Source alleges that Georgia election officials were bribed up to $100,000 to put dropboxes in certain select areas https://www.georgiarecord.com/source-bribes-were-paid-to-place-drop-boxes-around-atlanta/

  11. On eve of Lindell’s promised explosive presentation, Joe Biden left DC, didn't return today, and there is nothing on his schedule for the next few days https://media.greatawakening.win/post/QQdVnkfv.jpeg

See you tomorrow.

  1. Rand Paul says it is time to "choose freedom" as we resist government lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccine mandates https://www.dailywire.com/news/rand-paul-implores-americans-to-choose-freedom-over-potential-lockdowns-time-for-us-to-resist

  2. More people died of rampant criminality in Democrat-run Chicago this weekend than in the entire week “from covid” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/09/at-least-72-shot-11-killed-during-weekend-in-mayor-lori-lightfoots-chicago/ and https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=covid+deaths+chicago

  3. Fauci proves the covid response is about politics rather than science as he complains about Right-leaning Sturgis motorcycle rally but doesn’t say a word about Obama’s maskless bash attended by maskless VP Kamala Harris https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fauci-berates-mass-outdoor-gathering-in-south-dakota-but-gives-obamas-birthday-bash-a-pass

  4. Jim Jordan puts a fine point on covid’s selective spread https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/status/1424754313306509318

  5. Climate czar John Kerry flew private jet to Obama’s party https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/john-kerry-climate-czar-private-plane-obama-party

  6. Subway franchise owners are fed up with parent company’s Megan Rapinoe ads https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/subway-franchisees-megan-rapinoes-tv-ads

  7. Time’s Up #MeToo chairwoman resigns after having been revealed for helping Cuomo cover up his serial sexual assaults https://www.foxnews.com/politics/roberta-kaplan-times-up-chairwoman-resigns-cuomo-accusers

  8. DHS teases new threats of violence from conservative groups but has no facts to support it https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/dhs-warns-increasing-threat-violence-trump-conspiracy-admits-no-evidence-specific-plot/

  9. Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium reveal should have fireworks this week https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/must-see-mike-lindell-war-room-lays-day-day-schedule-expect-much-anticipated-cyber-symposium-week-video/

  10. Seth Keshel releases his analysis on Pennsylvania that flips the state for Trump https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/seth-keshel-releases-analysis-five-pennsylvania-counties-enough-fraudulent-ballots-flip-state-trump/

  11. Just saw this, the Simpsons predicted the pandemic too https://twitter.com/KaConfessor/status/1424429144562089984

See you tomorrow.


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jd9cOmZx/wins-of-the-day-august-7-2021/

  1. Texas Lt. Gov Patrick calls out Biden's hypocrisy on masks


  1. CDC admits that there is limited evidence that the vaccine improves protection against people with natural immunity


  1. Massive protests against medical tyranny in Michigan


  1. "Arizona Attorney General Opens Investigation Into County Noncompliance With LEGAL AND ENFORCEABLE SUBPOENAS"


  1. "Moderna and Pfizer Lost the Clinical Trial Control Group Testing Efficacy and Safety"


  1. Fauci says the Deep State plan out loud (and trying to spin it of course)


  1. The graphene oxide in vaccines can be neutralized with glutathione


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

  1. Pics reveal that Obama had his big bash without masks, and Kamala was there … maskless too, but of course https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1424026313300471814 and https://twitter.com/AnonymousZeros/status/1424037150073393154

  2. Arizona attorney general gears up to charge Maricopa County election officials ignoring subpoenas https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/breaking-arizona-attorney-general-opens-investigation-county-noncompliance-legal-enforceable-subpoenas/

  3. Israeli health official says 95% of all serious hospitalizations from covid are previously vaccinated people, and 85-90% of all hospitalizations of all covid patients are vaccinated https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/please-add-video-leading-israeli-health-official-vaccinated-account-95-severe-85-90-new-covid-hospitalizations-vaccine-effectiveness-really-fading-video/

  4. Covid spreads on Carnival Cruise ship where 100% of people on board were fully vaccinated, imagine that https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/COVID-19-cases-found-on-vaccinated-Carnival-cruise-16365234.php

  5. CDC Director admits on Wolf Blitzer’s CNN show that covid vaccines can’t prevent transmission https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/cdc-director-tells-cnn-covid-vaccines-cant-prevent-transmission-video/

  6. CDC is not mandating its own employees to get vaccinated https://creativedestructionmedia.com/investigations/2021/08/07/breaking-cdc-not-mandating-its-employees-to-be-vaxed/

  7. Interview with Dr. Frank – start at 7:00 – where he says Space Force was Trump’s trusted military branch and they have everything on election fraud https://exposure.locals.com/post/930772/interview-w-dr-frank

See you tomorrow.

  1. Even reading from his notes, Biden botches the number of vaccinated Americans twice in one speech https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/06/joe-biden-botches-vaccination-numbers-twice-after-looking-notes/

  2. CNN goes an entire week without breaking a million viewers https://redstate.com/joesquire/2021/08/05/cnn-goes-an-entire-week-without-breaking-a-million-viewers-n421555

  3. Leaked memo shows that Moderna was aware of over 300,000 adverse reactions to its vaccine despite CDC’s VAERS site showing far fewer https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/some-actual-news

  4. Democrat lawmakers who had fled Texas to avoid being present to vote are now suing Gov. Abbott for making them feel discomfort and embarrassment https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-dems-fled-state-lawsuit-greg-abbott

  5. Subpoenas issued to Milwaukee County for election info, and Wisconsin has deactivated 206,000 voters due to inactivity https://rumble.com/vkt8pc-the-real-story-oan-wisconsin-and-nevada-audits-with-rudy-giuliani.html

  6. It doesn’t look at all like Obama scaled back his birthday party, he just lied about it and is having his huge bash after all https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/let-eat-cake-obama-lied-massive-party-tents-set-martha-vineyard-compound-advance-lavish-b-day-bash-saturday/

  7. Ashli Babbitt’s family suing Capitol Police for failure to warn before using deadly force, which will force hearings under oath https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/family-ashli-babbitt-announce-suing-capitol-police-10-million-failure-warn-shooting-daughter-dead/

  8. DeSantis zings Biden, “I’m not surprised he doesn’t remember me … what else has he forgotten?” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/desantis-responds-bidens-governor-jab-zinger-not-surprised-biden-doesnt-remember-else-forgotten-video/

  9. CNN’s Chris Cuomo goes on “vacation” while his brother’s criminality is center of attention https://nypost.com/2021/08/06/chris-cuomo-goes-on-vacation-amid-cnn-andrew-scandal/

See you tomorrow.


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jd4wreit/wins-of-the-day-august-5-2021/

  1. Another so called "Conspiracy Theory" has been proven to be true


  1. More redpills a coming! RINO Maryland Governor threatens to lockdown state if more people don't get vaxxed, despite highly vaccinated countries going back into them.


  1. Creepy Joe caught doing Creepy Joe things again


  1. CNN fires 3 employees for not being vaccinated, if you wonder why this is a win, it is because they are destroying their workforce


  1. Trump to US women's soccer team: "Woke means you lose"


  1. Another redpill! Moderna admits that their vaccine only works for 6 months


  1. Not a win, but you need to see this BS!


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

  1. Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers launches petition to decertify 2020 election results https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/arizona-state-senator-wendy-rogers-laucnches-petition-decertify-2020-election/

  2. Michigan election officials intentionally destroyed evidence on voting machines https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/information-code-monkey-z-provides-additional-proof-michigan-election-leaders-absolutely-destroyed-evidence-changing-batteries-voting-machines/

  3. Rep. Gosar says several Capitol Police would like to share what they know with the Jan. 6 inquisition, but Pelosi is blocking them https://greatawakening.win/p/12jd4uZlDd/rep-gosar-did-you-know-that-ther/c/

  4. Gov. Cuomo impeachment proceedings to begin soon https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-impeachment-probe-nearing-completion

  5. Creepy Joe can’t get through a bill signing without needing to grope yet another young girl https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/joe-biden-grabs-little-girl-whispers-ear-bill-signing-white-house-video/

  6. US intel agencies obtain treasure trove of info from Wuhan lab https://dailycaller.com/2021/08/05/wuhan-institute-virology-lab-data-united-states-intelligence/

  7. Gibraltar is the most vaccinated country on the planet with 99%+ vaccinated https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations?country=OWID_WRL yet they are experiencing a surge of covid cases, up from between 0 to 1 case a day to 43 cases a day a month after vaccines started. They are at between 20 and 25 a day now https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=gibraltar+covid There cannot be better proof that either: (1) the vaccines do not work; (2) the covid tests are a sham; or (3) both.

  8. Former FDA director says Delta wave may have already peaked https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2021/08/05/gottlieb-has-the-delta-wave-already-peaked-n406770

  9. Biden’s DHS is forced to admit that increased rates of border crosses are carrying covid https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/05/bidens-dhs-admits-significantly-increased-rates-of-covid-positive-border-crossers-arriving-in-u-s/

  10. Majority of voters believe government’s messaging on covid and vaccines is biased politically https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/05/poll-majority-not-confident-government-reports-unbiased-information-on-vaccine-effectiveness/

  11. Democrat State Senator from Arizona arrested for sexual conduct with minor https://www.azfamily.com/news/state-senator-arrested-for-suspected-sexual-conduct-with-child-in-phoenix/article_ed0e83fe-f670-11eb-a102-2b853eab6069.html

  12. Defund the police has backfired spectacularly on Dems as 75% want more police https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/05/nolte-defund-police-backfires-democrats-75-percent-want-more-cops/

See you tomorrow.


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jd4rBOfj/wins-of-the-day-august-4-2021/

Here's my 'Quick Wins' post I made yesterday in case you missed it: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jd4q2SaS/a-quick-wins-of-the-day-post/

  1. DeSantis torches Biden in recent statement


  1. New Poll shows that 90% of voters are concerned about election fraud and 74% support voter ID


  1. Fauci trying REALLY hard to push fake delta variant


  1. Big Florida school district reverses mask mandate after DeSantis threatened to withhold funds


  1. Rose McGowan to Andrew Cuomo: "Stop being a pr**ck and go!"


  1. "Governor Cuomo harassment report reveals brother's ongoing advising role in case"


  1. Woke Olympics hit record low ratings once again


  1. NY Republicans to protest Mayor DeBlasio's vaccine passport plan


  1. More voter fraud in Texas exposed


  1. "Mask Tyrant Nevada Commissioner Tick Segerblom Caught On Maskless ‘Pub Crawl’"


  1. Couple who defended their house from BLM has been pardoned by Missouri Governor


  1. Psaki gets strangely defensive when asked if Biden's allegations should be investigated


  1. More Democratic hypocrisy


  1. Creepy Joe caught doing creepy things again


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

  1. Arizona AG is going to investigate Zuckerberg’s $3 million donation to Maricopa County elections prior to 2020 election, no one at this point seems to know who accepted that “donation” and where the money went https://twitter.com/AZKellyT/status/1422210300233666564

  2. Wisconsin election officials get caught trying to quietly remove 200,000 voters from their rolls https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/wisconsin-election-officials-quietly-remove-200000-voter-rolls/

  3. Voter fraud allegations keep mounting in Georgia https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/voter-fraud-allegations-several-georgia-counties-including-gwinnett-dekalb-fulton-clayton-counties-video/

  4. Little girl who Biden had famously groped on camera confirms that he had pinched her nipple https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/sick-girl-touched-creeper-joe-biden-camera-confirms-groped-pinched-nipple-metoo/

  5. I was out yesterday, but I really need to post this news from yesterday anyway: New York’s Attorney General says their investigation confirms that Gov. Cuomo indeed broke several state and federal laws sexually harassing several former and current members of his staff, interfering with the investigation and threatening retaliation against whistleblowers https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/03/ag-cuomo-sexually-harassed-multiple-women-broke-state-and-federal-law-502274

  6. Cuomo lied about attending sexual harassment training in 2019 https://dailycaller.com/2021/08/03/andrew-cuomo-aide-signature-sexual-harassment-training/

  7. Several Dem governors call for Cuomo to resign https://pix11.com/news/local-news/new-jersey/nj-gov-murphy-alongside-governors-of-ct-ri-pa-call-on-cuomo-to-resign/

  8. Leader of #MeToo movement actually helped Cuomo write letter trashing one of his accusers https://www.foxnews.com/politics/times-up-founders-cuomo-lindsey-boylan

  9. AOC masks up for photo-op, then immediately removes it afterward among a crowd of people https://thepostmillennial.com/watch-aoc-masks-up-for-photo-op-instantly-removes-it-after

  10. At least 60% of voters think Dems’ resistance against voter ID is so they can cheat https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/election-cheating-surges-to-top-us-issue-most-want-photo-id

  11. Boston’s Democrat mayor compares vaccine mandate to slavery https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/04/bostons-democrat-mayor-compares-nyc-vaccine-mandate-to-slavery/

  12. Alberta, Canada lifts all covid restrictions because they have not seen any science to indicate any of it is necessary https://www.townandcountrytoday.com/national-news/premier-backs-albertas-top-doctor-defends-albertas-response-as-covid-19-cases-rise-4189060

  13. Alberta, Canada resident sues to have covid fine lifted - and wins - due to lack of science after demanding health officials to produce evidence of having seen a single covid sample first-hand https://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2021/08/alberta-court-victory-ends-covid-transcript-2675308.html

See you tomorrow.


It appears u/WinsAnon was a bit busy today, so I compiled a few wins for today, I'll do a proper one tomorrow. Feel free to drop a few of your own too.

  1. CodeMonkeyZ says the evidence his team has put out is only 1% of it


  1. Fauci tries to blame unvaccinated people for fake delta scariant


  1. "Boston’s Democrat Mayor Compares NYC’s Covid Vaccine Mandate to Slavery, Jim Crow Era"


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸


Wins Anon and Puncake are so important to this board. With all the dooming "look what they threatened now!" shill posts making my heart ache, I realize that the Wins are the hopium supreme. This is the first time I've posted after being here 8 months. I wish I had the time to compile Wins, but I don't. They clearly need assistance.

On a related note, spreading fear porn is NOT helping. Just because the DS threatened some new woke/tyrannical bullshit, it doesn't mean that we need to pay attention. When it happens... that's different. Maybe you can emphasize wins or obvious DS blunders? We can't afford to lose hope. Even if you don't think things are going well, it's not over. If Q means anything to you, you will recognize opsec, disinformation and good actors (doing bad things) are all part of this show. For all we know, this could be over soon. Don't make a point of depressing people when we are trying to save the world. Some people may be on the verge of making end of life plans.

That said, this place has been a refuge for me and many others, and the vast majority of the people who post here are a great community. Thank you and bless you all.

  1. Dominion whistleblower rumored to be blowing the powderkeg on Dominion’s ability/protocol/efforts to change software and results from afar (read this link from the bottom-up for most recent posts) https://t.me/s/CodeMonkeyZ

  2. I don’t know what to make of this, either it’s legit and exciting or it’s a shill trying to crush our spirit … Johnheretohelp says Trump is on his way back into office in a matter of weeks now https://twitter.com/Johnheretohelp/status/1422313113920094212

  3. Polls keep coming in showing that Biden and Kamala are under water, only 26% strongly approve of Biden and 42% strongly disapprove, wow https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-harris-approval-ratings-plunge-across-multiple-polls

  4. Washington DC saw three times as many murders in July than deaths attributed to covid19 https://www.foxnews.com/us/washington-dc-murders-surpass-coronavirus-deaths-july

  5. Dem candidate for Congress, a doctor, posts on social media that she works on the covid floor of her hospital and says it is filled with unvaccinated covid patients … umm, she’s a veterinarian https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/07/31/lauren-boeberts-opponent-is-a-veterinarian-who-works-in-wyoming-and-claims-her-hospital-is-filled-with-covid-patients-n419474

  6. White House flip-flops again as it has nothing bad to say about Obama’s upcoming massive birthday party with 700 people in attendance https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/02/white-house-defends-obamas-massive-birthday-bash-that-defies-cdc-coronavirus-concerns/

  7. Fox sacks legal hack Judge Napolitano for sexually harassing many young male employees at Fox https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/fox-news-fires-judge-napolitano-news-harassing-male-employees-emerges-morning/

  8. Never a Win when someone dies, but DC Metro cop who was at Capitol on Jan. 6, and who could’ve testified about what really happened, is the third such cop to die “by suicide” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/third-dc-metro-police-officer-capitol-january-6-dies-suicide/

See you tomorrow.

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