007wannabee 6 points ago +6 / -0

I watched from 48:00 to 58:00 and I heard RFK Jr say that according to Trump it was a personal plea from Mike Pompeo not to release anything.

He continues on to talk about the CIA and the U2 spyplane incident but I couldn't connect GHW Bush at all. Maybe if you could help with my line of thought then I could get there.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cannot disagree with that but he has good info and has contacts.

The US is going to throw UK under the bus about those missiles

And make us pay for it


007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not so much because the Britishness but for the general contrast with US commenters. The slightly different angle on everything.

The author is a Scottish longtime ex-diplomat and pro-Palestine anti-Israel guy as are most but not all of the commenters.

007wannabee 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't quite hear what he says right at the start - "we stand at the birth of a <inaudible> millenium". Anyone help me out?

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a shame when languages are weaponised,

We have similar thing here in UK; in Wales there are many communities who will shut you out if you don't speak Welsh and if you want to get ahead in politics there you can forget about it unless you are a Welsh speaker.

Spanish is a great language for an Anglo-native to learn. The number one factor to the "effort to value ratio" (bang per buck) for learning a language is the number of places you can use it once learnt, and South America is not exactly a small continent.

Ironically considering the thread topic I would even say that exposure to a foreign language for kindergarten age kids is really valuable because the young mind flips that important switch early on knowing that there can be more than one language. Little kids exposed to other languages will have better ability to learn another language (should they wish to) in adulthood. I know because coming from an airforce family I lived at many foreign bases from age 2 and it really helped me later when I ran up against the school curriculum requiring French.

Incidentally if you just don't like Spanish for ideological reasons and want to stay away from it then my guess is being a Russian or Chinese speaker will give you a definite business edge 10 years from now so maybe try that instead.

007wannabee 6 points ago +6 / -0

KInd of weird because Finland has huge unpopulated areas which are basically forest. This is how the town of Nokia made its name - timber and paper milling. Maybe Russia was cheaper so Finland let its industry run down too far.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe the title is a bit premature? Could be a street robbery gone wrong or angry ex-boyfriend or who knows.

007wannabee 14 points ago +14 / -0

The scene to which Rowan Atkinson refers re Police Constable Savage


He's right, back in the 1980s it was a joke but now it's become real.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Streeting said there was “zero tolerance” for intimidation, harassment, or racist abuse toward National Health Service (NHS) employees.“People who are abusing NHS staff can be turned away, and should be turned away, if that is the way that they are treating our staff,” he insisted.

Which is fair enough - low-level NHS workers don't get paid much and they shouldn't have to face people attacking them on their way to work.

Streeting is hopeless by the way just like the rest of our new "government".

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

What does Ivermectin ACTUALLY DO?

It's impossible to find out now with so many claims and counter-claims. Patriots are saying "wonder drug which fixes everything" while at same time cabal is hating on it as dangerous horse paste and so on.

I thought it started as an effective anti-parasitical agent, which is good, but how is it a treatment for everything else?

007wannabee 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is lies. Falkland Isles are thousands of miles from UK they are down almost at the South Pole close (as everyone knows) to Argentina. Makes no sense to use them as an emergency jail. The expense woudl be incredible.

It's either just another crazy fake smoke and mirrors like deporting people to Rwanda, which never happened, or more likely they are building something else down there and want a cover story.

007wannabee 1 point ago +2 / -1

Both Tommy Robinson and Keir Starmfuhrer are tools of the intelligence agencies and great friends of the Zionists.

007wannabee 3 points ago +8 / -5

I don't like her but I don't see what's wrong with her amateur explanation of "cloud". I mean it's not as if she's an IT technician.

Seems to me that she's making a valid point that your data is safer and more private when contained in your own premises. Don't tell me that the cloud operators can prevent the government fishing through your data whenever they feel like it.

"Cloud" = "Someone Else's Computer"

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

And don't misspell it as "viola", which is a musical instrument larger than a violin.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this guy on crack? He raves on about how it should rhyme with "comma" as in punctuation mark then segues directly into a series of examples of folk pronouncing it completely differently to rhyme with "camshaft"

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Note that these are airport officers licensed to carry firearms, which ordinary UK cops are not. They are supposed to have extended psychological checks and extra training in not losing their shit. They still just blew their fuses.

People in this thread heavily on the side of the cops because they don't like muslims. I am not a big fan either but some of our cops have just gone rogue. How about that guy in the video sitting on the yellow chair with his hands on his head then a cop suddenly notices him and starts beating him around.

All started to become visible during the Covid Hoax when police were dragging old ladies off park benches for wearing their masks wrong or being out of their house for too long in their 1-hour exercise period. Fuck em.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

A large number of US lawmakers are dual-citizens (US and Israel) so good luck trying to get anywhere with an argument that Kamala's dual parents disqualify her.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

The US immigration service are very wise to fake marriages. Seen it myself close up they will investigate fully. Not that it needs genius-level skillz to spot a fake marriage.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try finding a news outlet NOT sponsored (directly or indirectly) by the government, The BBC proclaims loudly that they are free and independent, yet we have to pay a TV tax and the money goes to them.

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