11PlayingTheGame -5 points ago +1 / -6

Oh, and I notice how you can't even answer my very simple question. Which proves you don't truly believe or practice what your virtue signalling mouth says. KEK

11PlayingTheGame -5 points ago +1 / -6

Ooooh, right. Humans are "special." How's that working out? Your ego is all puffed up because you think you're better than nature, not part of it. Pretty convenient to make simple-minded humans think they're approaching "god" by putting others first. Convenient for the ones destroying you and your families.

Stroke your ego a little more. America isn't finished burning yet.

11PlayingTheGame 21 points ago +21 / -0

Release it all and you get people with information overload who can't discern anything amid the clusterfuck and the criminals slip by unnoticed after interest wanes in a few days.

Take all the steaks you'll eat in a month's time and try to down them in one sitting. The first couple might be good, but your body, brain, and tastebuds will vehemently reject more than than a few at once.

11PlayingTheGame 0 points ago +3 / -3

Do you believe humans are the only ones on earth that experience happiness? You're wrong. Not every move made by an animal is for pure survival.

But to make it easier for your comprehension, I'll stick to human examples. It would make the trans couple next door happy if everyone flew rainbow flags on their homes. They would feel special, accepted, and part of the community. Do you oblige them? After all, a piece of material flapping in the breeze literally cannot hurt anyone. Do you put their happiness before yours?

11PlayingTheGame 1 point ago +1 / -0

Live in your body or you will lose it.

11PlayingTheGame 5 points ago +7 / -2

So we should all be focusing on the happiness of the leftists, right? If not, it's hypocritical af. If so, we find ourselves in the situation we're in now.

Does any animal put another animal's happiness over their own babies? You will never find that in nature. You can try to guilt humans into putting other's wants before their own - and many will oblige to virtue signal - but the smart and truly centered ones will always protect and nourish their own first.

11PlayingTheGame 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you tell it that it's wrong? Let it know that's garbage and back it up with logic and sauce. They learn.

11PlayingTheGame 2 points ago +2 / -0

He made billions in a few months and never lifted a finger to do it. That there is person of the century!

11PlayingTheGame 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, fingerprint! How could I forget that one kek

Purple ink on the fingertip...to show you've already voted? If so, good one too.

11PlayingTheGame 3 points ago +3 / -0

At least there's that.

11PlayingTheGame 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. Don't you have to be fully vaccinated and wear a mask all day or are they finally giving up on that?

11PlayingTheGame 1 point ago +2 / -1

In case you're sincere and not being a jackass, I'll explain.

You should know I was talking about Satan by context of both the post and the comment. Satan is a made-up boogey man. Satan does not exist. "Good" and "evil" exist as far as human comprehension allows. Negative and positive. Differing degrees of the same event such as love and hate - the same emotion, opposing degrees.

Humans like to envoke this creature invention for personal reasons. When a human has done wrong by other humans, guess what? The devil had him under a spell! Or how about a religious leader, when caught doing things he admonishes others for? Satan was tempting him beyond what his mortal flesh could handle! Convenient, no? Or how about when the most evil of all happens to children? Well shit, it was Satan! I could go on and on but you get the picture.

You cannot name a single instance where harm inflicted on a human was not caused by another human. A mentally deranged human in some cases, but mostly just humans who crave money and power and will do anything to anyone, including children, to gain their desires.

Dolly knows some of these humans, but wouldn't dare name names. So she rides the fence, appeasing predators and the oh-so-concerned by "rebuking Satan."

By the way, you don't know me or my history and experiences. Don't attempt to point out the horrors happening as though it was all new to me. You're "aching heart" sounds more like a bleeding one.

11PlayingTheGame 0 points ago +1 / -1

I said show me where i said evil does not exist. I'll wait again.

11PlayingTheGame 0 points ago +1 / -1

My heart aches for your eyes

It should be aching for your eyes. Quote my comment and show me where I said evil does not exist. I'll wait.

11PlayingTheGame 3 points ago +3 / -0

They have to determine if they'll make more money regulating it or incarcerating for it.

11PlayingTheGame 2 points ago +2 / -0

No worries. Can't find it online (big shocker.) Must be accurate.

11PlayingTheGame 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah, way before that. They had control in 1955 when 70% of American homes had a television set. By 1960 over 80% had at least one - in lockstep with the DS fully infiltrating the government. No one noticed. They were too engrossed in the magic moving picture propaganda.

So they took control in the early 50's and finished us off in 2020.

Now to read the article. Kek

11PlayingTheGame 12 points ago +12 / -0

Redo. Paper and pen, voter ID, one day only, no mail-ins, instant arrest of anyone caught trying to vote illegally.

11PlayingTheGame 3 points ago +3 / -0

Destroy the ones attempting to destroy your kids and "evil" might think twice. That is natural law.

Humans are retarded and follow man-made "laws" which are not laws at all. That is why humans cannot protect their children. Or refuse to - can't tell which it is.

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