1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't find any reason for why they picked September 25th. maybe something maybe nothing. when you click the words google it takes you to a little mini game, doesn't say anything else that I saw. Comms maybe??

1776Mogul 8 points ago +8 / -0

He wrote the book but if you haven't seen the documentary "Conspiracy of silence The franklin cover up" it's worth the watch. This was supposed to be aired on t.v. in 1993 and got shelfed ,ties to boys town and Warren buffett and politics. https://youtu.be/6ZwxHlWfIxM?si=ib4mVJjCNfJr3EeV

The "Franklin scandal" broke in 1989 when children were apparently flown around the US to be abused by high-ranking officials. In late 1988, after the failure of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska, rumors started to spread that money from the union had been used to pay for child prostitution. Lurid claims about a child sex trafficking ring took hold.

Businessmen, media personalities, lawmen and educators were among those implicated, as well as Lawrence E. King Jr., who headed the credit union and was an affiliate of the National Black Republican council, an affiliate of the Republican Party, the Washington Post reported at the time.

1776Mogul 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you have the time to watch its mentioned in this video that they were close to each other, https://greatawakening.win/p/17txy7b8TB/on-danny-jones-podcast-nick-brya/c/ Bill Barrs father Donald Barr is also the one that hired Jeffery Epstein at the Dalton school as a math teacher.

1776Mogul 7 points ago +7 / -0

Danny has it on the video under the description, you can look there and click the time stamps to skip to that part of the video.

1776Mogul 14 points ago +14 / -0

OUTLINE 00:00​ - Finding the 'black book' 09:50​ - New JE files unsealed 13:19​ - The Bill Barr connection 26:10​ - Where's Ghislaine Maxwell? 28:34​ - Mysterious victims 34:20​ - How blackmail works 43:31​ - P Diddy & Clive Davis CIA ties 54:26​ - CIA's dirty money 01:06:43​ - JE's most violent associates 01:09:49​ - Desires of billionaires 01:15:00​ - History of blackmail in the U.S. gov 01:22:38​ - Media cover up 01:27:58​ - The compensation fund 01:37:27​ - Gov cover-ups Americans don't know about 01:51:19​ - The honeytrap behind Watergate 01:59:58​ - TWO Watergate break-ins 02:14:02​ - How much Nixon knew about Watergate 02:25:00​ - JFK 02:33:34​ - Howard Hughes 02:39:21​ - Will more files be released soon? 02:48:25​ - Significance of 'circled names' in the black book

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

That very well could be true. But no one gets it right all the time. I have noticed quite a few things that it seems he has gotten wrong. But I will say I've noticed it from here at times as well. Stew Peter's snake venom in the water comes to mind. I guess time will tell what his true intentions are. The old saying any publicly is good publicly comes to mind. But what do I know I'm just a guy with his thoughts, and they are mine and mine alone and everyone else will hopefully have thoughts of their own and we all can chose to agree on truth and our quest for it. You make good points , but truth and what we choose to do with those truths matters the most. Keep learning , keep asking questions and keep believing in good. Thanks fren!

1776Mogul 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why I think this is worth mentioning is a lot of people look at his account and brings attention to Q and may get people looking into it that otherwise wouldn't.

1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

More and more people are starting to join the fight for America with us , it might seem at times that we are worlds apart but at the end of the day most people want the same basic things .

1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

5ft ladder, yeah no f'n way that wouldn't even get you on top of a small shed .... total b.s.

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't have the time stamp but the trump talking about Joe showering with his daughter was pretty good too.

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still watching myself , but the comedy is good. Reminds me of snl 20+ yrs ago. If you find the time to watch it you might not laugh at everything bit you probably will laugh more than once...

1776Mogul 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well thought it might give some inside to the individual. Also the school has quite a bit of talk about the military in the graduation also the schools mascot is the black hawk bird of prey. Might be nothing just thought it was interesting and might also help in finding social media about this person. That's all that's it.

WRWY by winn
1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hard to say but it looks like it may have entered his cheek and exited by his ear.

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good tip , things that seem so simple to me or you could really be useful to our frens. Thanks!!! Please anyone reading this add to the thread give your tips we all benefit! Thanks again fellow fighter!

1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are the on the winning team but we are all at different levels of technology and I think it's important we educate each other, call it digital soldier boot camp but the more we all understand the playing field the more popcorn we get to enjoy! I know homework sucks but take some time once a week and watch a YouTube video about tech or read some articles and stay informed . Computers are here to stay learn as much as you can about them . Don't overhelm yourself but nibble at the subject. We are a group of very smart people and if you weren't that you wouldn't be here. Stay sharp know how they mess with shit to keep us down.... It will also help you in life going forward too ....

1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for your input, the more we can document things the more truth prevails. We are the people of truth and when we have receipts we win arguments... thanks fren....

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh I will, see my later posts, I appreciate this place and am a reasonable man, and I want to believe it was just a error . But it certainly doesn't sit right when giving links to movies about this very sort of thing..... thanks for your support. WWG1WGA

1776Mogul 5 points ago +5 / -0

We all are free as long as we fight to be free , if we sit dull and dumb we will certainly be used and abused . We are all free thinking people ... we all have something to offer, something special and unique to our selfs and when we all come together we can reach a common goal and live in peace when we decide to do so. We are all but specs but tiles that make up a mosaic of American freedom and everything our flag stands for . Stay strong stay free and may liberty cress our souls!

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