2Aadherent 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree 1000%! Thought this for a very long time. It's quite different than a run of the mill reaction. Very over the top. The Great Deceiver is the only one who is capable of this level of evil. So appreciative of your immense effort in compiling this post. It has given my spirit hope. God bless you RedPill!

2Aadherent 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the great news of finally getting relief! God is awesome, thank you Lord for BeKind's healing, Amen.

2Aadherent 3 points ago +3 / -0

God's timing and plans may not align with ours but know that they will be better than what we can hope for. We tried to sell years ago and not one showing. It was so discouraging. What I didn't realize was that a new law on capital gains tax was going into effect on July 1st. We relisted and the first person that came after the 1st bought it. We were under the tax limit and didn't owe a dime! God is so good! I pray that you have peace and assurance that God loves you and will answer even the silliest prayers. He just wants us to have faith in him that he will provide. Hope you have safe and easy transition and only get the best possible neighbors!

2Aadherent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prayers for you and your family. It's so hard to watch those that will not hear. Peace for you fren, in Jesus name.

2Aadherent 6 points ago +6 / -0

Going through some of the same Reborned20, I've first and foremost forgiven them. Unforgiveness will NOT dwell in my heart! No open doors for satan.

Then as Luke 9:5 says, And whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them.”

I tried, I spoke, I am done. Be strong even in the betrayal fren. You are loved here.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

"EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy." Absolutely worked for me. I searched for a qualified therapist that used this method. I had been in traditional talk therapy off and on for many years with limited success. I was amazed at how fast I was able process a given traumatic event. It's like defragging your hard drive (brain).

You're able to move the trauma to where it should have gone in your memory, thus making the traumatic event an unpleasant, unhappy memory instead of the memory that causes you to ruminate, with a never ending replay of the trauma. It was not a cure-all for me though. Forgiveness of the ones that caused the issue was the key to letting go completely.

Forgiveness is for the forgiver. I didn't forget the perpetrator nor what they did to me. I've had to forgive that person many times on certain memories. I have learned what Jesus meant when asked, "how many times should I forgive my brother? Jesus' reply was 70 x 7." This act keeps them from living rent free in your head. I also learned that if I needed to, these people were removed from my life by going no contact.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm blessed beyond belief to have found a true Bible based church last year. They have love for everyone, but don't mince words on what God really says in the Bible. When you twist and turn God's word in order to be popular, you are not truly loving others, you are helping to lead them astray.

2Aadherent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't even imagine what the good folks that were working in hospitals and nursing homes had to witness! I know a lot of them resigned.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would be afraid, terrified, and livid!! So thankful that I wasn't in your position. The anger alone would take a tremdous toll on me. I'm a sleeping dog, til you wake me up. Saying all of this to let you know that I don't take lightly how you feel. What I do know, have faith that God will protect you. Words have power. Declare positive words over yourself everyday, no matter how you feel. You are well, you were not harmed by them, you have peace etc. It works, and sometimes not as fast I'd like either. Lord, you know what my fren Jammyjams needs, I pray that you will give them peace that passes all understanding. In Jesus name, Amen

Also, F words don't bother me. My husband used to tell me that I taught the 5th fleet how to cuss! I'm much better at curbing it now. Down to 1 or 2 a week. My very best regards, you are loved Fren.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

In 2021 I had a small tree break and hit me on top of my head, 3 in gash. Emergency room nurse tried 3 times to give me Tdap shot. It pissed her off that I refused. Tried to tell me that I wasn't in the state data file as being current, I replied that I can't help that they made a mistake in their file, but no thanks. 3rd time she came back, even more determined to administer the shot, I told her if she came back one more time she would be in the next bed beside me if I saw her again. Cured her!

2Aadherent 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes and Amen. Lord give me your eyes so that I may see the broken hearted around me. Hope all is well with you fren.

2Aadherent 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lord I lift up this willing spirit in all his endeavors to further reach the lost and hurting. Let all who read, hear and watch Slechta5614 feel your boundless love and feel the peace that can only come from you and thru you Father. Increase our capacity to convey our love for all of humanity. In Jesus Holy name, Amen!

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Been wondering about this because of the reaction that I had to the first shingles shot in 2019. In less than 24 hrs, I began to have suicidal thoughts with severe depression. I was fine the day before and knew that these thoughts were not coming from me.

You don't have these thoughts when life is great and exceptionaly happy due to anticipating the birth of my first grandchild at any moment. This lasted about 3 days. It was like my rational brain was separate from where ever these thoughts were coming from. I remainded calm and kept saying to myself that this shot caused this and to ride it out, it will be over soon.

I refused the second shot. Never again vaxed with any thing they offer! Also, recently had my heart doctor try to give me the "new" cholesterol shot. If I had not needed a clearance letter for an upcoming surgery from him, I would have told him what an evil imbecile he is. Time to find a new heart doctor.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the memories. My dear husband use to say that frequently.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Needed that word today. At times, I'm my biggest obstacle. So grateful for all of the God loving folks here.

2Aadherent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much! I made the decision several years ago to stop the words coming out of my heart and mouth that were of a negative nature. The go to word is now "opportunity". Lord let me see beyond what it looks like in the natural and to see that broken person underneath this circumstance. Let me be an instrument of your love and kindness in this place! Amen. Grateful for you Dog!

2Aadherent 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lord, I pray for your peace in this situation. The peace that passes all understanding. In Jesus Holy name Amen. Thank you Father!

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