Just ordered 500 12mg Iver tablets! A little nervous. Can you take too much? Can kids take it? Can people on multiple prescriptions take it safely? I know I can do my own research, but I also know a lot of you frogs already have this info locked and loaded.
Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.
This law sums up our entire reality right now.
On a road trip this weekend an Adele song came on. My spouse told me that a while back during one of her concerts she shapeshifted into an 8ft reptilian. She apologized for scaring everyone and all reports of it ever happening were wiped away. Makes me wonder if the wand they use in the Men in Black movies is a real device. Sounds wild, but nothing surprises me anymore.
Never thought about it in regards to weight loss. It makes tots sense though. I’m going to add a lot to my diet and see if it helps. I’ve been dealing with pretty much every single low potassium symptom mentioned in your shared articles. I’m betting that’s the culprit.
The Tower of Babel has always intrigued me. I remember it being my favorite even as a child. One time at my adult Bible study the question, “What is your favorite Bible story?” was posed. I immediately answered the Tower of Babel. Everyone looked at me weirdly and kinda chuckled like I was joking. It was weird.
Harvey Weinstein being treated for “covid?”
Simplicity at its finest! 100% recommend.
Yes. From my understanding it produces the same benefits. Even the concrete on you basement floors will do the same. Grounding is extremely beneficial. I’ve just gotten Earthrunners and they are a game changer. My entire family is wearing them, even the kids.
This is very u/sleepydude..... well written. He’s one of the only anons that can write a novel and keep my attention the entire time. Sometimes my gut tells me there’s a 4th scenario, time travel. I say this seriously and as someone who has very heightened clairvoyant gifts. I really think it’s a big possibility.
Vance means marshland/swamp. Trump is using him to drain the swamp to reveal the satanic, adrenochrome, ritualistic portion of declass. Vance will be called out for participating, Trump will appear like he had no idea and then all the others who are guilty will be called out. Brilliant plan.
But.... “It’s the Devils lettuce.”
It’s also a great way to keep that pineal gland decalcified and raise your vibration, which have MANY benefits as well.