Everyday since it started
Unless it's anti-aircraft ammo, if it's legal there should be no alarms for anything
If this was Trump they be talking impeachment
Like the look on Jebs face when he saw what was in the letter
He didn't say once, "You know what I'm saying"
50 to 1 AOC saying something smart
Show me on this doll where the meme hurt you
Does discrimination include a wood chipper, asking for a fren
I've seen a boat load of adds on tic toc, for the Ho, now I know why,
Surprised, Netflix is allowing
I had a pet rock once
When you tell your kids, there's a monster under their bed. Things nightmares are made of
Literally, tens of people there
The Feel good clip of the day
It may be old, but still very satisfying
Time to put on a Blue Roof
The Usual Suspects
The Usual Suspects
I got my permanent band on Twitter because I told two covid idiots they would be better off putting the plastic bag that there mask came in over their head then the using mask
The Usual Suspects
Most have blue hair already
Feel good story of the day