650Thunderbolt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ivermectin in tablet form may be difficult to get in Canada but, it can be had in paste form from many sources. I get mine from an online equestrian supply. It's easy to take, just bury the correct dosage in a tablespoon of apple sauce or yogurt and slug it back. Not ideal, I know but, better than nothing.

650Thunderbolt 7 points ago +7 / -0

Someone on here recently refered to it as "The Homeless Industrial Complex". Watching it happen to all Western countries, it's hard to disagree with that statement.

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember the controversy when they first came out but, didn't get around to watching them until a few years ago. Like you, it changed my perspective and I now look forward to hearing what he has to say. Whether he's telling the whole truth, or not, is debatable but, he makes more sense than any Western politician.

650Thunderbolt 7 points ago +7 / -0

She's not very good looking but, she's not butt-ugly either. Rather plain,IMO. And, she doesn't have a great body. Again, not bad but, not great. I have heard that without autotune she isn't a very good singer, either. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that her concerts are lip-synced.

I was out shopping this weekend and almost everywhere I went was playing her music. It was sickening but, at the same time, I know it's just another part of the psy-op. IMO, there is nothing organic about her success.

650Thunderbolt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly. The feigned incompetence gives them plausible deniability. Or, so they think.

650Thunderbolt 18 points ago +18 / -0

"t’s like everything else, the insurance companies are playing nice for now and paying out benefits. They have to in order to keep the charade going."

Exactly what I'm thinking.

650Thunderbolt 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ok, understood. While my statement was written with the assumption that this was your biological child, I do still think that having rules, limitations, expectations and consequences for actions/inactions needs to happen as long as he is in your home and you are providing for him. As much as anything, you want to prepare him for life on his own.

650Thunderbolt 14 points ago +14 / -0

To be completely honest, it starts with you. Your Son is like this because you have enabled it. He didn't get this way overnight, you have allowed him to be this way. Had you made better decisions in regards to discipline and expectations earlier in his life you would not be here asking for advice. You need to make fundemental changes in your approach to him or else nothing changes.

Whatever plan you come up with, you need to stick to it and be consistent. No wavering or waffling. I'm not suggesting you get mean with him, I'm saying that if you give him expectations, deadlines and potential consequences that you stick to it. If you say it, mean it and follow through.

I'm sorry if this comes across as demeaning, it's not my intention. I have personally witnessed what happens when parents let their kids get away with too much. My younger brother is a lost cause because of it.

Some here have suggested tough love. All I'm suggesting is a little tough love towards yourself might be a good place to start.

Good Luck and Take Care.

650Thunderbolt 3 points ago +3 / -0

I see many immigrant families of all ethnicities when I'm out and about. This is different and once you see it, it's easy to see. I saw it again between my earlier post and now. Two African dudes in thier mid 20's, no women, no children, getting into a reasonably new Jeep Wrangler. That's an expensive vehicle, how can one of them afford that? Rich immigrant parents? Maybe. But, I doubt it.

650Thunderbolt 20 points ago +20 / -0

Not just Africans, Middle Eastern fighting age males, too. I see them all the time, especially when I'm out shopping. They are almost always in groups of two or more. Never any women or children with them. And, many of the Middle Eastern ones are driving very nice vehicles. Makes me wonder how a 25ish aged guy affords that.

650Thunderbolt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Every time I hear one of these scumbags proclaim something like this I always say, "Lead by example!" If that's what you really want, show us your true commitment.

650Thunderbolt 8 points ago +8 / -0

That same type of thing happened to my Uncle in the 1980's. He was given 3-6 months to live and one of the doctors he saw told him there were cures but, they weren't allowed to use them. My Uncle was told of a clinic in Tijuana so, he went there. He lived for another 20+ years, making the trip to Tijuana once a year for treatment and bringing medicine home with him.

650Thunderbolt 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is exactly why I talked my youngest Son out of joining the Canadian military.

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