Most people are normies, which is to say they are asleep. Normies don't take red pills. Normies don't want to wake up. Normies don't even know they are asleep. Normies fall into four general categories:

• Live and let live normies
• Easy faith Christian normies
• Self-indulgent normies who have some means
• Disaffected and demoralized normies just trying to get by.

The live and let live normies just want to go about their lives, raise their kids, go to work or run their business, pay their bills, watch football, order pizza, and generally let other people do their thing so long as they are left alone to pursue what they find meaningful. This group typically pursues family time, takes cool vacations, and knows how to grill. This group also has hobbies and interests they pursue and try to share with their family. This group generally doesn't care about CRT or the LGBTQ agenda except to say live and let live and don't worry about what other people do with their genitals. They only start to care about social issues when they feel the sting. They only care about energy policy when gas prices are high, and they only care about the economy when there are shortages.

The easy faith Christian normies are similar. They have a loose understanding of faith but do typically hold a slightly more judgmental view of the world and have issues with the sexual revolution and LGBTQ. This group is less opposed to CRT – odds are most don't know too much about it. This group is almost as live and let live as the live and let lives. Mostly this group wishes people would go to church, attends church themselves, thinks the world needs a return to God, but doesn't really understand their own faith or the teachings in the Bible. This group generally stays out of politics except at election time. This group is deeply bothered with the infinite-gender-tranny-homo-acceptance agenda but is still generally asleep to the larger corruption of the world except to know that, per the Bible, the world is corrupted.

Self-indulgent normies with money are the ones who have an income of some sort but spend their time in pursuit of hedonistic self-gratification. These are your barhopping people of both sexes and of all sexualities. They are after that next fun experience whether it's a hit of cocaine, a concert, or an orgasm from a bisexual orgy. These are the ones who are lost to the pleasures of the world. They don't plan to have kids, they support LGBTQ (many are participants of these lifestyle), and likely have a porn addiction and/or a chemical addiction. These people are supportive of CRT because it feels good to "fight injustice." They have no depth or breadth of understanding of the world, nor do they desire to change.

The disaffected and demoralized normies are the ones who realized that no matter how much they strive they can't get ahead. These are the ones who have checked out. They aren't really awake because they don't know or want to know the depths of the corruption of the world. They do know that school is too expensive, money is without value, video games are fun, women are either fat or unobtainable, and the American dream is beyond their reach. This group has little hope for the future. They know something is wrong but do not know what and do not believe it can be changed or that they can change it in any case. At the moment, this group is content to have a roof over their head, regular meals, and some means of self-entertainment like video games.

There is some cross over in the types of normies.

The overwhelming majority of people in America and on this Earth are normies. The one characteristic they all have in common is they enjoy a level of comfort sufficient to keep them compliant. So long as they have their families, food, hobbies church group, alcohol, weed, sexual partners, affirmation, video games, pornography, cocaine, whatever....they're going to just keep on doing whatever it is they are doing whether that's going to work five days a week, indulging in sexual sin, or playing a fantasy video game for 16 hours a day.

What wakes up the normies? Hardship and threatening those things they value. These are the red pills they respond to.

Gas prices rising are waking some up. Food prices rising are waking up more. The LGBTQ agenda in schools is waking some up. CRT is waking up others (blacks really don't like the idea of being given higher grades just because they're black). California's closing of churches while keeping gay bath houses open woke up a bunch of Christians in California. People are slowly waking up.


Things are going to accelerate soon when we start to feel the energy shortages and food shortages. When mommy can't buy groceries for her kids because the price is too much she's going to be wide awake. When the wealthy self-indulgent DINKs (dual income no-kids) couple can't buy food at any price they will be wide awake. When the trucks aren't moving due to lack of diesel and the inner city starts rioting over food and electricity instead of a cop killing a black thug then people will be wide awake.

That's the first part of the Great Awakening. It's the wide spread realization the system has broken.

While these riots are happening our government will respond ineffectually to try and remedy the shortages that are causing the people to riot. The response won't even be a fig-leaf but rather an effete word salad uttered either by a demented old pedophile or a moronic slut who slept her way into power. The response will only serve to show the rioters who their real enemies are – those who lie to them.

That's the second part of the Great Awakening, when the public figures out it's the government that caused these problems in the first place.

Who knows what comes after.


Theory: Smallpox is the next psy-op. I do not think they will actually release a weaponized or natural version of smallpox but rather use it to explain away the wave of deaths we are likely to see from antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) as a result of the C19 mRNA shots. They will use smallpox as a means of mandating another series of mRNA shots to use to control the population. Basically, I think they're going to double-down with another game of lies.

Will the smallpox psy-op involve a real virus? I do not think so. The cabal is so terrified of death they surround themselves with security and live in near total separation from the world. They will not release a virus that could pass to themselves through their servants. Why? Smallpox has a natural death rate of about 30% and is highly infectious. What is more, it is a real virus with a very real death rate. A people who desire to live forever (which they certainly seem to) fear death more than anything else and will not put their own lives at risk. Releasing a highly infectious and lethal virus into the world carries too great a risk and also too great a risk of too sudden a depopulation – they have no capacity to throttle it.

These people are control freaks. They want to bring the human population down while also bringing it under total control. A chaotic mass die off does not serve their purposes because it is too likely that people valuable to them will die off.

The C19 injections are a perfect cover a controlled, throttle-able, depopulation shot. The cabal simply has their own paperwork falsified or publicly receives a shot filled with saline or delivered by a false syringe. The sheep get a variable dose of the real stuff, which is adjusted regularly to throttle fertility and life expectancy. Ideally, the sheep never even know the C19 shots are designed to control their population.

So what is the smallpox news about? The next psy-op serves two purposes: 1. to explain away the increased death rate. 2. To convince more people to take shots out of fear.

Don't take the next round of shots either.


If you haven't seen Logan's Run, it's an old movie about a dystopian future where children are raised entirely by a combination of machine entity and much younger people who possess a maternal instinct. Parents aren't in the equation at all. That's because at the age of 30 each person undergoes a ritual carrousel ride where they are "renewed" which is actually destruction by instant immolation while putting on a joyous spectacle for the crowd. The events were not considered cruel by anyone but entered into with hope and joy by the victims - all this a product of lifelong indoctrination.

The whole point of the 30 year age limit was to maintain the population and resources in equilibrium with each other.

The people in Logan's Run lived brief lives of hedonistic pleasure. Every drug, every food, every drink, and every form of sex was available to them for a wish. The sex came from other people in the population who were similarly inclined to fleshly temptations. There were no old people, very few of them raised children, no memory of the past and little opportunity to pass memory of the present on to the next generation. There was only the now and the perpetual pursuit of pleasure.

Which brings me to our current situation. The C19 shots clearly increase mortality. What happens when our parents and grand parents die off? What wisdom do they possess that will be lost and unavailable to our children?


The globalists are trying, first, to get us to accept shots because they told us to, and second, to condition us to receive shots at regular (current target is 6 months) intervals as a condition of participation in society.


By administering regular doses of whatever they want to us, the globalists can throttle fertility, mortality, and life expectancy by region. The natural resilience and variability of the human body ensures that, as long as they keep the dosage low enough and control carefully, they can kill off people of all age groups, reduce the average life expectancy, slowly kill off the old people, and limit the fertility of the young, thereby removing the past from living memory, reducing the number of elderly dependents consuming beyond their productive years, reducing the capacity for the younger generation to overcome the die-off by simply reproducing, and while still maintaining a compliant herd of human cattle they can use for their consumption and for providing them with their comforts and pleasures.

Removing the old generation is a critical part of the plot. The old generation remembers times before the C19 measures. It recalls what liberty means. It recalls systems of government that were not authoritarian. It recalls religious denominations and faiths of every type.

When the objective is to establish one world government and one world religion, eliminating the memory of the old way becomes essential.

Why it is essential they get the shots into everyone becomes obvious. They cannot have a bunch of liberty minded, freedom loving, authority snubbing, refuseniks out among the sheep. Those refuseniks might wake the sheep up, or worse, keep the memory of the past alive and break the indoctrination of the sheep's children. We refuseniks either have to participate in our own destruction or we have to be contained and destroyed just the same to keep us from waking up the sheep, both in the current time and in the future.

I think this is the real goal of the shots and welcome commentary.


Reddit's Wallstreetbets its giddy that Hertz just bought 100,000 Teslas. Hertz also just got bailed out to the tune of $4.2 billion. The base model Tesla is $42,000. This looks like a pass-through payoff to me. Tesla just got a massive cash infusion at tax payers expense with plausible deniability maintained by funneling it through a desperate company. This further confirms to me that Elon Musk is deep state.

We shouldn't be celebrating occurrences like this but noting them and using them to document who is on the take.


The Q conspiracy provokes a lot of thought and question. Personally, I am landing on a new understanding of a few things.

First a few points:

• Q repeatedly references scripture and that things will be "Biblical."

• Q shows a strong reverence for God and Christ.

• Q calls out the Vatican and Pope as being on the side of darkness.

• Q has/had access to military intel of the highest level.

• Q knew the enemy's playbook.

• Q is/was trying to save the world.

• Some Q predicted events actually did happen as predicted. This indicates Q had control of these events.

What do I think?

I think Q is a group of Christians in military intel who learned enough about the various globalist power players to wage a good fight against them. I think they decided to fight and be the salt and light upon the earth as Christ commands us to be in the Gospel. I think Q views themselves as plan B. They are plan B, humans overcoming the darkness and preserving the world for a time. Plan B failed. Plan A is Christ.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. Nothing.

Trust the plan because it is God's plan.

We're in for a bumpy ride.

A lot of stuff is happening right now that fulfills prophecy. We see the mark of the beast being made by the WEF. We see the chip patented WO 2020060606. We see a one world government NWO being plotted with the great reset. We see the pope opperating behind the scene with these groups (Council for Inclusive Capitalism initiative). We see the One World Religion center under construction in the UAE and scheduled for completion next year.

This is all foretold in parts of the Bible.

The 7 years of tribulation is broken into a first part of lesser tribulation and a second part of great tribulation as the world has never seen. We may be in the first part already. The stage is certainly being set.

We need to keep this in mind.

As for Q? What was the plan, really? They woke up millions and helped many in their journey to Christ. Man cannot alter Biblical prophecy or else God's word ceases to have meaning.


Pray always that God's will is done.

I am not looking forward to the Tribulation any more than anyone else and it's possible it may be a generation or so away. It could also be here in just a handful of years. Certain major signs haven't occurred yet such as a war that kills a quarter of the population (C19 shots, war of deception or USA vs. China?). The stage is certainly and we could have that war within weeks.

Editef for formatting.