7spade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fuck 'em. Have never and will never buy any of their products. For any who have forgotten, Goodyear was among the first to go hardcore DEI around 2020 when some employees managed to take screenshots of their HR's new mandatory diversity training.

7spade 3 points ago +4 / -1

PV has fucked up. Know why? Look at the entire video, there's a surveillance cam inside the restaurant. They or their satanic allies will exert pressure on the restaurant owners to hand over the footage and find out the identity of the reporter.

7spade 5 points ago +9 / -4

Yep I'm out. I was pissed enough as it was for 2020 and exactly jack and shit happened. My immediate reaction was if they weren't going to actually deal with this in a legal and appropriate manner to ensure integrity of our elections then why the hell would we expect anything different in 2022.

And guess what, same shit happened this year. And now everyone is gonna tell me it'll all be worked out by 2024. Kari Lake sure shut up fast and let the steal happen. The uniparty controls the vast majority of this nation and it isn't going to change anytime soon with these same bullshit tactics we've been trying. Real people in positions of power who can actually make a difference are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses because threats were made or some corporate donors check cashed.

7spade 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've never quite really bought into Hitler being a Rothschild, but financed by them? Yes entirely believable. I think it seems more likely that Hitler turned on them before they were expecting it, and thus you get WW2.

7spade 3 points ago +3 / -0

They did this to Putin years ago...remember? It was a car that sped up out of control and veered into oncoming traffic, and that traffic just happened to be Putin's limo.

7spade 8 points ago +8 / -0

This link has English subtitles and also allows you to download the movie which I highly recommend keeping a copy for yourself.

Just to give you a little teaser, here's the intro:

"In the year 1806, William IX Landgrave of Hesse, had to flee from the troops of Napoleon and leave Kassel within 24 hours. He stored part of his fortune in the amount of 600,000 pounds with his jewish agent Mayer Amschel Rothschild in Frankfurt am Main. The film is based on historical facts. It shows how the international jewish House of Rothschild founded its power with the Landgrave's money and thus paved the way for the jewish takeover of England."

7spade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting....a modern movie, a remake of the original maybe? Remember Germany made such a movie in 1940.

I'm gonna create my own thread on this, but here's a link for anyone who'd like to watch:


7spade 2 points ago +3 / -1

Sorry yes that did come off wrong, no it isn't all jews. The ones I'm referring to are the ones that tend to style themselves as jews but do not follow their religion, do not adhere to God's laws, and purposefully inflict suffering on others. Hope that clears it up.

7spade 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's more than simply being able to breathe properly by not having a mask on. Breathing in air is allowing life into our bodies which in turn allows our spirit to thrive in the reality of life in this world. All of this world is life, and it is wonderful and everything good that we espouse.

When the whole world damn near lost its mind and we're all told to mask up? We know the masks don't do anything...perhaps now you better understand the real intentions behind it. Help people like this old gentleman in the OP to realize again just how amazing we can thrive in life at any time.

7spade 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree with the video and assessments made, I don't see our own fed.gov/fed reserve, inc. allowing Japan's problems to become their problems. They will completely detach if they think they're in too far and allow Japan to completely sink to save their own skin.

For us here in the US, that move actually will be beneficial for us but they won't do that out of compassion for everyday people like you and I. Our policies here are to continue kicking the can down the road and I expect more of the same. I do think a recession is coming, yes. To what extent or how long? I don't know.

7spade 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mortgage rates WILL go up, count on that at a minimum. However in the near term, maybe around 3 months give or take, expect the housing market to slow down some depending on where you are. Some of these crazy selling prices might get reined in, who knows.

The bigger issue for most I think will be that we will start seeing layoffs and businesses fail. QT ideally needs to be done slowly....remember how people say about central banks printing money out of thin air? Yes that's their job however in this case they will be deleting money out of thin air. You usually wouldn't want to do this at the same time interest rates are rising, but that's exactly what's been happening lately. I think it's going to be too much all at once and when you have economic/banking models that make sense on paper hit real markets with people, businesses and emotions involved, I believe it's going to get real messy.

7spade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nazi Germany hated the Rothschilds. They even had a movie made about them and their sick bullshit. Don't forget the Rothschilds helped fund the German civil war that started in 1919, funding the communist jew side and also turned much of post-WW1 Germany in a hive of debauchery which centered around a lot of prostitution and pornography which served to try and disintegrate the family. No wonder the nazis hated the jews.

More to the point of the OP however, I do recall reading that Nazi Germany did manage to capture at least one prominent member of their family though I can't remember if it was this guy.

7spade 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yes, pretty much that was the response of the USA, France, UK and a handful of other smaller nations.

7spade 5 points ago +5 / -0

US rep, a total Karen, states that they want Russia to stop their lies and attacks. yawn

7spade 5 points ago +5 / -0

States that Russia is being accused of being propagandists while western nations themselves issue their own propaganda. Claims they did not start this "war", but they are going to end it. He may be meaning all the crap that's been going on in Ukraine since 2014.

7spade 7 points ago +7 / -0

Currently just stating that no one in the west is listening to them. Coalitions led by the US demolished cities in various countries in years past without this much scrutiny.

7spade 8 points ago +8 / -0

China's comments are fairly neutral, a few words indicating that the international community needs to work with Russia and Ukraine to resolve these issues. China subtly siding with Russia, which is good to see.

7spade 1 point ago +1 / -0

India's statements were very neutral. Probably waiting to see how it plays out.

7spade 5 points ago +5 / -0

France and UK saying nothing more than Russia is lying, blah blah blah.

This rep for the UK is the epitome of a Karen....hell that's a man baby!

7spade 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, I had no idea. I just checked stock of Milbank meter sockets in my area (about 800 miles from OP) and nothing is available. ZERO! NOTHING!

Damn this isn't good at all. Definitely bigger things happening....be prepared folks.

7spade 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow this is a great find....thank you!!

My current general physician, whom I haven't seen in like 3 years, has a grand total of $37 for all years reporting, this is good news indeed!

My old general physician whom i stopped seeing about 5-6 years ago, shows a whopping $8339 for all years reporting. Looks like I made a good decision.

7spade 3 points ago +3 / -0

Alec Baldwin also starred in Team America: World Police alongside Kim Jong-il. One down, one to go???

7spade 2 points ago +2 / -0

When Medicare was first created in 1965, there were no provisions made for covering prescription drugs except for a very few (such as those needed during surgeries).

I wonder why? Hmmm

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