I believe such as well. When the certification of the electoral college was complete, I had asked the Lord to give me a sign that this country and its inhabitants would not become cattle for slaughter for a grand diabolical scheme that would envelop the world in an unrelenting evil. That sign was Lin Wood detailing the movements of AF-1 to bases in Texas, then I believe to Kansas and then to Ohio. Through that I had discovered Q and this site. What gets to me the most regarding this is the fact that for four years of keeping up vigilantly with current events of then and trying to see through the lines and lies was that I had never so much as heard a minute inkling or even a mention of the Great Awakening, as if it were being purposely hidden from me. After being exposed to previews of the depths of evil that the devil and his puppets would dive to in the name of desecration and inversion, it all made too much sense for what my intuition felt were incorrect patterns. I thank God everyday for vindicating my intuition and enlightening me, and I can only hope to serve Him in full capacity in the future with my newfound knowledge.
Then what's the endgame with denigration of Christians and Christianity in general? Why do the powers that be not target Islam or Judaism or any other religion with as much malice and contempt, if any, as they do with Christianity? What is their goal then with Christianity? Power over the populace? In one instance, they already have their chains wrapped around everyone's necks by virtue of the current financial institutions ensuring the shackles of debt are never to be broken; needless to say that more and more Americans, and people globally, are becoming secular, if not spiritually murdered, so why then would they spray their theological pesticide across the world if more were to be averse to following anyway?
Truth of the matter is they don't care what you believe. They just don't want you believing in Christ and God, for then you'll be dragged alongside them into the pits as they so want.