You're the one whining and name calling saying since I don't agree with you I don't belong here.
You make false oroamations that mislead others and then whine when they don't agree with you instead of offering an intellegent and a informative argument I. Response.
The fact that you're u immediately name call and hope that a person will quit or be banned for disagreeing with you shows that there is nothing trying e behind any of your BS
Why? Because I don't see that a law going to effect in the city your referring to that requires kislds 5 and older to be vaccinated as winning?
You make alot of proclamations, but never an intellegent rebuttal. You have personally led many astray with your baseless claims that hat have nothing to do with Q, and you promote false narratives. Maybe YOU don't belong here???
Source? All I've seen are real elctron microscopy pictures and papers that have said it's been isolated and sequenced.
All arguments against that seem to be relying on things that only say it hasn't been isolated like a bacteria.
It's nothing like a bacteria
Probably boosters if it's blue. The vaxxed will keep boosting. It's an investment in many levels that they will defend.
I noticed more people wearing masks due to omicron (lol)at the stores where I live recently, and I'm pretty sure they are all vaxxed.
Pics of SARS COV 2:
Q hasn't posted for about a year, and many people are losing faith for a variety of reasons. Trump pushing the clot shot being one of them. The vax passport being implemented all over is another one.
Also nothing at all has happened regarding election fraud and the audit which has turned people off to the Q theory and plan.
To be fair, paganism is the reason for the season. If you have a tree, and give presents you are practicing a pagan religious rite infused with ritualistic consumerism that was created by coca cola, Montgomery ward, and Macy's.
The old testament even talks about how God hates poles of ashtrroth and decorated trees.
There is nothing godly about Christmas or the Christmas season. Idomitry with a blasphemous name.
Pics of the virus that causes covid
The reason why drawings are used for viruses are the same reason they are used for cells. It's easier to point out details by using a drawing than it is using a photograph.
Electron microscopes have photographed, and even filmed viruses but viruses are so incredibly small that even using electron microscopes they are still small with very little details.
The reason they don't use regular light microscopy is that viruses are virtually invisible in regular light because they are smaller than half the wavelength of a light wave. Anything smaller than half the wavelength of a light wave can't bend light and won't reflect it. Electrons have a wavelength 100,000 times shorter than light.
The virus has infact been isolated several times by several research teams around the globe and has infact been photographed.
It has not been isolated in accordance with kotch's postulates which was designed for bacteria.
Koch's postulates standard includes growing the culture on agar which is possible with bacteria because they are living cells. Viruses are not living cells that replicate themselve, but impossible with viruses. Viruses require cell culture which is why vaccine manufactures grow viruses in monkey cells
Koch's postulates standard also include infecting a healthy person with the culture that was obtained from an infected person and grown on agar. Not only impossible due to the agar, but also illegal due to the infection of a healthy person.
The person that offered a million dollar reward for anyone who could isolate the virus said it must be isolated according to Koch's postulates.
So that is why no one has collected the money, but again the virus has been isolated and sequenced and photographed
Why didn't Trump win the election and stay as the acting president, but still allow the DS to cheat for Biden like he did with Hillary?
The DS cheated for Hillary, but Trump out smarted them and became president anyway. I don't see why he didn't do that with Biden.
And why did he need to let the DS cheat twice? Why didn't he just use the proof he had that they cheated for Hillary and bust them then?
It's not like different people cheated for Hillary than cheated for Biden. Biden didn't do the actual cheating himself.
The reality is more people are wishing that they didn't get the vaccine.
And the people who haven't feel more and more validated for not getting it.
Now they are trying to convince the unvaccinated to get the first double dose of symptom suppressing experimental drug while at the same time it is becoming common knowledge that they are worthless after 6 months and will require subsequent boosters.
So the unvaxxed are less and less likely to want to give in because it won't be just one time, it will be a commitment to what will likely be shots at least twice a year indefinitely.
Not likely going to convince the people who've held out this long to commit to that, especially now that the weaker more transmissible variant that we all predicted would emerge has finally emerged
Maybe because of all the complacent in my own country???
The closest thing to an uprising in the US is people moving to Fla.
Sure yes, in Europe where they are t being told to remain complacent they are protesting but not here.
Infact the city your Aunt lives in just passed a mandate that will effects clvely see the last 10% of the city who are unvaccinated, get vaccinated.
You do realize that getting people vaxxed and establishing a vac passport system is the goal of the NWO right. That's the first plateau of their plan.
Thinking it is game over for them because you aunt just woke up right before the guillotine drops on her neck does not indicate game over, and to be thinking that makes YOU the doofus who has been saying that it's just about game over the entire time they e been successfully ushering in the NWO.
Well, because that was the results of the election, and if what you're saying is true that that the election was unrigged then it means it was the legitimate results of the election. The numbers showed that she won the popular vote, but them Trump became president because he won the electorial college.
Still, if they don't nrigged it then they absolutely have proof that it was rigged and could have arrested the deep state right then and saved the world from all that is going on now.
So my question still stands. Why did they have to let Biden want n instead of busting him for cheating and busting Hilary for cheating all the while remaining in the rightful place as POTUS
INSTEad they have accumulated evidence/proof of 🕑 elections and lost their position of power that would have allowed them to do something about it.
As it stands the deep state now has total control nyrol over elections and won't likely be so easy to until ever again.
The Idiot came and went and even that didn't do anything. It didn't even wake anyone up. All the people that mocked people for saying it was rigged were not woken up, they still mock us for saying it was rigged.
After the AZ audit literally all MSM and the epoch times even said that the results only verified that Biden won fairly.