AgingGracefully 4 points ago +4 / -0

I learned about this almost 3 years ago, probably from a fren here. Before learning about borax, I took glucosamine and condroitin for arthritis pain daily, and ibuprofen pretty often. Arthritis pain was gone within a month or two, and it's rare for me to experience pain now. My husband also experienced a significant improvement in arthritis pain. We are over 65 years old. Look up The Borax Conspiracy.

AgingGracefully 27 points ago +27 / -0

I used to perform early pregnancy ultrasounds at a faith based clinic. Scott's testimony reminded me of the prayers that I would offer when the young lady on the table before me was planning an abortion. I would pray that the baby would move or dance, would somehow convince the momma to allow him or her to live. Truly, a tremendous experience!

AgingGracefully 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hilarious and infuriating, but not surprising. If the dems didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.

AgingGracefully 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't sick people just stay home until they recover?

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

The idea that any law is perfect for every situation is unlikely. Yes, there are people who do not have the normal XY or XX chromosomes or gonads typical of their chromosomes. A situation may arise where a judgment call is needed. You absolutely cannot make "bathroom rules or laws" that can be applied to every single situation. But, in general, the bathroom laws should protect the majority, not pander to those outside of the norm, while leaving girls and women at risk. Sounds like this judge was whining about having to judge something.

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thinking along those lines. Thanks.

AgingGracefully 5 points ago +5 / -0

If the technology is so advanced, can someone explain why we/I can see differences in the many photos of E.G. Joe Biden? Why are they not perfect matches?

AgingGracefully 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I have difficulty reading complex writings, I often copy it and paste it onto a word document, then I can edit, as in paragraph spacing, as needed for my own understanding.

AgingGracefully 3 points ago +3 / -0

Glad to see positive results. After about 4 days of protocol, I developed GI distress and cut back to just 1000 mg lysine and 2000 mg Vit C a day. This was prophylactic I assume, as I've never had high BP or cardiac problems. My husband has high BP, which did not decrease, despite his trial, of 4000 mg of each a day for 2 weeks.

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

Usually in photos with a lapel pin, it is on his left lapel. When the bandage is on the left ear, then the lapel pin in on his right lapel.

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

First time I saw this video, I thought of the keystone cops. PA is the keystone state, after all.

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +3 / -1

She touched her sunglasses near her right temple just after she put her sign up. Signal?

AgingGracefully 10 points ago +10 / -0

From the article:

Likewise, Attorney Tanya Lat declared that members of the public are dropping dead from vax-induced illnesses such as “turbo cancers” and “myocarditis.”

Just this week, we learned of a good friend's diagnosis of myocarditis (after 2 years of AFIB) following the jab, and our brother-in-law's mother just diagnosed with turbo cancer, also likely due to the jab.

We are fearful that there will be many more serious diagnoses and deaths in our immediate circle. Lord have mercy upon us.

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

I signed up to help monitor our elections. All I got were requests for money. :-P

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see plenty of B.S. F.J.B. ads. Have never seen a Trump ad.

AgingGracefully 3 points ago +3 / -0

Our cat is nearly 17 years old now. Probably 10 years ago, I stopped taking her for any shots, as she is an indoor cat (and she hates to go to the vet). When other pets come to visit, my cat stays in hiding. This is the longest that any of our pets have lived. It makes me sad to think that I may have contributed to the shorter lives of beloved pets because I had them vaccinated.

AgingGracefully 5 points ago +5 / -0

What the heck is an emergency abortion? During the Roe v. Wade era, in many states there was a 24 hour waiting period between the initial appointment and the abortion procedure appointment. The only time that a woman's life is in danger is when the pregnancy is ectopic, or outside of the uterus, most frequently in a fallopian tube. The removal of an ectopic pregnancy is not even considered an abortion and cannot be performed with the usual abortion procedures. So again, what the heck is an emergency abortion?

AgingGracefully 8 points ago +9 / -1

I never was a follower of Bieber, but I do not doubt that what you described happened to him and to many others. I think it was on GAW that someone suggested a period of jubilee, where folks can own up to their transgressions without fear of reprisal, as a means of removing all of the blackmail of elected and public figures. I don't know how that would work, but I understand the need. I try to remember these things when I hear stories about those in the public eye. I try to say a prayer for them. Only God knows the truth and our hearts. We should all be very slow to judge others.

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