Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). anti malaria
Azithromicin (Z-pak)
It’s not a vaccine.
CNN has been taken over by white hats…have you noticed all the new faces anchoring and reporting? When SHTF it will be reported by CNN and all the libs will finally be redpilled.
The white hats most likely faked his death on a date forecast by Q years ago and put him in the witness protection program.
She probably carries a loaded 45 in her purse and I don’t doubt that she knows how to fire it.
If so it’s a total waste of resources. TV news and social media brainwashing is all that is needed.
You didn’t catch ‘rona’. If anything, it was the common flu. Covid-19 is a myth.
Patriots are in control and won’t allow her anywhere near the border.
I am NOT going to click on a Fox New clip. Nice try!
Here’s the article about Buckingham Palace being boarded up and Royal crest removed from the palace gates.
When Trump met the Queen at Buckingham, he arrive by Marine One helicopter.
I’ll search for video of the Trump doing the same visit and see what vehicle he’s traveling in.
He’s not president. The Beast travels EVERYWHERE the real president travels. The Beast that the US president travels in is a custom tank complete with sealed compartment with its own oxygen supply in case of biological or chemical weapon attack.
When did you get your shots?
Are we sure he didn’t die from the experimental mRNA gene therapy shot? Strange how none of these reports mention his condition at the time he was ‘found dead’.
Nuttinyahoo is like herpes….he always comes back.
Why not name the business? Why are you protecting them?
I think it’s a terrible distraction to blame his death on Clinton before we know the particulars ….was he recently ‘vaccinated’ before his untimely death? People, including healthy young professional soccer players seem to be dropping like flys after getting the killer poison jab.
BINGO! The military won’t allow her to go to the border. WE ARE WATCHING A MOVIE….directed by the acclaimed movie producer and Trumps Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.
Not to read the same negative bullshit you could just as easily find on the jew controlled American msm.
Any game where the clock counts UP instead of down isn't a real sport.
All your posts seem to be a treasure trove of bad news. Leave that shit on msm.
d: All of the above.