AmericanEagle1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right on. If you need to expend emotional energy find a shill and unleash on their behinds. They are in abundance. Who knows? You may cause a soul to saved. Have fun and a sense of humor. Thats what we do.

AmericanEagle1 11 points ago +11 / -0

Truth has no respect for any lie. All lies will be revealed for the sake of humanity. Those against the Truth hate humanity. B.s. does not work here. Individuals are not being targeted here. Systemic satanic assault on humanity is. Can you understand the difference ?

AmericanEagle1 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nope. She is confirmation of what the Lord has spoken to my heart.

AmericanEagle1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree . Demons serve the satanic Serpent spirit. Serpents are reptiles. Satan starts as a serpent and becomes a dragon in the end times. The comic book folk are usually Jesuit deceivers attempting to throw Believers of the focus. Jesuits are the lying signs and wonders group. Reptilian refers to the spiritual not the flesh. Peace and Love to you and all that concerns you.

AmericanEagle1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Reptilian refers to the children of satan the serpent. Jesus called them a brood of vipers. Read and study John 8:44. Get understanding bigmommy.

AmericanEagle1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you very much. If y'all dont understand this, shame on you. The links are up to speed and explains all the hoopla at the Vatican ..

AmericanEagle1 9 points ago +9 / -0

What are you doing for your nation other than sowing bitterness among the truth seekers? Q has awakened many Americans to the research arena and AWAKENED THEM to our govt. Fools think that they wont be held accountable for their satanic deeds of darkness. You will have your reward. It must suck to be you. All that darkness and bitterness inside you robbing you of the joy of life and love. You can be healed ya know.

AmericanEagle1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trumpers dont have sex with little kids though. You do. Thanks for the compliment though. It must suck to be you. Watching Trump men get all the pretty women. That fake biden clowb show was a parade of ugly women. You sho is a stupid lonely democrat. Thats why you are bitter. You aint gonna get no crying vids from us We are just gonna show ya.

AmericanEagle1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would we support a documentary created by a slothful joker too lazy to do his own investigation? Get thee behind me satan. Do your own research.

AmericanEagle1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Satans army has only one rank. Slaves marked for destruction. Oooga booga There ya go. Now you know your rank ooga booga.

AmericanEagle1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now you have an idea of what the apostles felt. They got tired sometimes as we all do. Take a break sometimes. Get away for a couple of days. Go camping or whatever recharges you. When you are refreshed you will be a sharp sword.

AmericanEagle1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Q DIDNT SELL ANYTHING. Prove me wrong You being dishonest and therefore an agent of satan. Any honest human can read and follow the links provided. As you are slothful in thought and deed you will miss out on the blessing because darkness cannot comprehend light.

AmericanEagle1 -1 points ago +3 / -4

If you cant fight and defend your position against shills and frauds, you arent ready to defend our. nation. Jesus didnt censor shills. Jesus exposed their foolishness when he rose from the dead. This we shall do also as we endure hardships as a Good soldier. Our founding fathers did not have the resources we have today but they had great courage despite being outmanned and outgunned. They had to deal with shills as well. This is the American DNA. You either have it or you dont. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND HER PATRIOTS.

AmericanEagle1 2 points ago +2 / -0

A true Christian believer walks by faith not by sight. We are awaiting Christ's return. Waiting on this situation is peanuts. If you cant run with men how can you run with horses? The fight for justice is an ongoing battle till the end of time. I support and pray your strength and peace to you and yours.

AmericanEagle1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump never telegraphs his moves. Trump is terrorizing the enemy by his silence. Some folk here are still growing in the ways of war. Its cool tho. They will grow and harden and become mighty truth warriors. This generation will have the honor of being the Greatest generation . The American Revolution was won by a small percentage of the population at the time with far less than what we have. Pray for endurance and wisdom.

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