It is an information war so we need to use discernment sure but as soon
as you start to dictate what's posted you take on the role of a censor which makes you no better than the left. For someone whose only been here 5 minutes maybe you should give that some consideration. You sound very shilly yourself - just saying.
Compilation of first hand Kiwi experiences. Hope it helps.
Hearing of deaths everyday - over 200 and climbing. This includes 4 teenagers who died of blood clots. So on that note - if you are willing and able please sign our petition.
Non violent non compliance with a side of push back. Cindy talks to Auntie Helen everyday - I believe they are using Looking Glass to plan their moves even though the same data analysis has told them they will loose. NCSWIC :).
He's right and it's great to see the spotlight being shone on the Ozzie situation.