I keep seeing MSM articles resulting in an ever growing list of arrested Capital rioters, but they conveniently leave out who they are truly affiliated with (big surprise.)

I can't help but wonder how many were really MAGA followers and how many were really Antifa, BLM, Leftist, etc.

What if it's discovered that out of, say, 100 perps, 95 were non-MAGA perps?

WIll it all be just another big nothingburger?

I see 3 possibilities:

  1. POTUS pardons himself. This would be controversial in Trump fashion, and may or may not protect him.

  2. POTUS temporarily relinquishes the Presidency to Vice President Pence, The then President Pence grants Trump a full and complete pardon, then Pence relinquishes the Presidency back to Trump. The risk to this scenario is Pence. Would he actually pardon Trump?

  3. Nothing happens and Trump is subject to an endless laundry list of charges, criminal and civil.
