A better way would be to figure out how to get TOR to work with Twitter. Perhaps Elon will allow a TOR onion to be opened for that purpose to fight the censorship at the expense of his revenue model.
So chronic medical conditions like asthma, cerebral palsy, being flat footed, heart disease or deformity (murmur), and other maladies will have the military reject you from serving, but this judge thinks a chronic, incurable, blood-borne retrovirus illness like HIV is not a legitimate criteria for rejecting a recruit?
Judge needs to shut up and stay in his lane as military can set medical standards for recruitment. It's unfortunate congress didn't disqualify the appointment of said judge in the first place.
At some future time, a star wars reboot will occur. It will sum up the totality of the star wars releases occurring after episode 3 ( and yes episodes 1-3 weren't great, but they also weren't woke either, so they get to stay in cannon) as a fever induced night terror caused by some really bad rootleaf stew that Jedi Master Yoda ate for dinner on Dagobah.
In this way, all the crap that came out post 2005 will be pushed aside with a single force driven bowl cleanse by Yoda. We will get real sequels for episode 7-9, the star wars universe will be able to continue with quality writing, quality actors, and directors who actually care about keeping the universe clean of the latest fads in pop culture. There will be zero woke / dei bs forced down the audience throat.
Something more like...
Attention globalists, We have noted that you are attempting to force upon us your satanic great reset plan. Having been subjected to a sampling of this plan's results and thus having ample opportunity to analyze, review, and test said plan against other options, we have concluded that your excrement sandwich of a plan is unacceptable and unfit for human consumption. To this end, we are informing you that we will henceforth pursue our great awakening plan and will be rolling back and eliminating all aspects of your plan which have been forced on us to date.
Finally, let this be notice to the globalist Leadership, Commanders, and Lieutenants: We have diagnosed you as a metastasized cancer on humanity and will at a time of our choosing kinetically remove you from this planet after all aspects of law and order are satisfied as regards your crimes against humanity (the aspects of your plan which you forced upon us to date).
That's too polite a decline for my taste, but it gets the job done I guess.
Anyone else left wondering a little about why there are 2.9 billion US SSN records to begin with?
It wasn't till the late 1980's that SSN registration at birth became the default practice. In the years prior to the 80's, it is my understanding that people would only apply for an SSN upon entering the workforce.
Also the SSA's currently published faqs indicate there are only 453.7 million SSNs issued
https://www.ssa.gov/history/hfaq.html --See Q19 from the link for details.
So I wonder what is going on with the 2.9 billion personal records report.
They probably got a great multi ticket purchase discount. Super deal, couldn't pass it up.
Also, if you intend to expose the deep state, you must be sure you have a bullet proof dead man's switch that will cause your findings, accusations, and evidence to be publicly released immediately after your untimely demise.
It surprises me how trained doctors could identify the intentional soft kill of populations around the world via vaccines. Then they go about announcing they will expose the deep state's evil deeds publicly.
The naivety is astonishing as they never realized that such a group of people, whom have the resources and evil intentions to generate a worldwide population soft kill vaccine and get every nation in the world to deploy it while granting the pharmaceutical delivery companies immunity from prosecution or being sued, would simply kill them and 50 other people to remove the threat of public exposure.
Oh dear. You've conjured up images that are truly nightmarish. The complainers [shudder]. Where's my emotional support crocodile when I need it.
So glad the British have a police force that protects the world from those scary hurtful complainers... and the mean tweets too.
On another note, I need to buy more contracts on the millstone futures market. I think it's going to have a real boom in the coming year or two.
So the governor believed he had authority to assault people sitting on their own private property even when they are within the curtilage of their home ( ie the homes interior, the porch, or within an area that is fenced in demarking private propery not implicitly open to the public).
It's my understanding that during Carter's presidency, commanders were lying on paper about the status reports and unit operational readiness. I believe they referred to at least a part of the Carter' outcome as the "hollow army".
To some degree America had a substantial paper army filling in the difference between the actual recruitment and unit operational readiness verses the level required for the US to continue projecting power across the globe for that time.
So let's say Joe takes exception with this treatment at the DNC. It becomes understood by the public what has actually happened. The military gets called in to address the coup.
The alliances that allowed Biden to cheat his way to victory crumble and go to infighting and war with each other. They publicly leak their own contribution to stealing the election at the behest of Biden. Military is already involved, so Biden gets arrested for his crimes stealing an election and effecting a coup against President Trump. All Biden's and Obama's and other officials satanic child abuse activities are released by groups activating their mutual destruction insurance policies (blackmail).
Of course chances are more likely things go differently, but I would hope for something not too far off from the bad guys and sleepers all get caught up in a wave of justice that destroys then all, however that needs to work functionality.
Exactly. 1x fresh recruit (poorly trained) Ukrainian pilot navigates his plane toward Russia.
He will encounter the Russian SAM's which will destroy him quickly. If those don't get him, then it will be Russian planes on Combat Air Patrol.
The agile fighter can only have a chance to survive with a competent pilot, and Ukraine lost all of those (assuming they had any to begin with), very early in the war.
It's interesting to me that a late 1970's developed fighter jet (and I know there have been varients and electronic modernization programs) being sent to Ukraine is getting a strong response from Russia. Considering all the other military equipment we sent to Ukraine. And yes, I disagree with the US sending anything to Ukraine, but the response for this fighter jet intrigues me. Not that the boys in Ukraine would be able to fly them to their full potential, but more generally, does the Russian response suggest the f16 to still be a match or better in some metrics than Russia's current best fighter jet?
In my opinion:
I think the Intel CEO had other reasons to be praying. Intel has very serious problems unfolding that may lead to their most recent two generations of desktop i9 / i7 product ( possibility of laptop and server getting into the mix too) getting recalled or patching microcode to run significantly below advertised spec.
If this plays out, a class action from consumers and potentially lawsuits from system integrators whom would likely also have have higher than expected system warranty claims may transpire. Also the upcoming gen for Intel is still looking anemic compared to competition, discrete graphics division is appearing to be inching closer to shutdown, the fabs are not price competitive with Intel's current designs compared to amd's price per unit cost at TSMC. All of that together means Intel will have a hard time selling their next gen CPU at a competitive price to performance point while still making a profit.
You are right, eventually it will change. There will be a painful intermediate period ( during the collapse) where the change has not happened yet. Later the change happens and at that point it is anyone's guess what happens with deposits and or debts.
If the current system persists and bank collapsed happens, you can be assured of becoming a part owner in the bad bank with whatever percent of money that was yours is deemed lost.
Whatever small amount they allow you to keep will be in your new account with the good bank.
--ala Cypress.
Or if the bank collapse happens to be a windfall for you (ie your fixed interest mortgage loan is now chump change to pay off), you can be assured that the banks and government will claw back this windfall benefit from you and make you pay your fair share of the loan debt because the banks risk is always deferred to the depositors and is not allowed to be realized losses for the bank owners.
-ala Argentina.
Jimmy and George H W are planning to walk together to the polling station and vote for Kamala on election day.
When you are dead and voting, it's always good to vote with a buddy.
People probably brought and used their own pens this time around instead of getting the permanent markers.
So many of the votes for Biden were actually for Trump but the permanent marker bleed through on the paper caused issues for the electronic reader sending the ballots for adjudication where the vote could be changed electronically on the scan images for Biden.
Between that and the other groups of ballots printed with the wrong paper dimension settings causing the electronic readers to reject the whole ballot and resulting in them all getting put in the provisional pile for easy replacement or discard after polls closed... Biden won Maricopa.
For a primary, it would likely be pointless to break the page layout on the ballots, so that leaves permanent markers at polling stations as your remaining option.
I think Maduro will lose this fight with Elon by default within a month from now. I won't be surprised if he loses his head.
Exactly, nobody would want to rape that.
It is probably her projecting from her secret deranged fantasy and claiming it really happened.
Also, this situation reminds me of that chan meme. "The ___ cries out in pain as he strikes at you."
Yes, Maduro was either unable to or forgot to populate his military / security forces with foreign hires. When your military and security forces are domestically born, they have a tendency to stand down when you order them to ruthlessly attack their countrymen because you are stealing the election from the people and also hoarding supplies desperately needed by the populace.
Coincidentally, Democrats introduced and would like to get passed H.R. 7298 (Courage to Serve Act) as a way to grant more illegal aliens a way to join the military and have a path to citizenship.
Everybody remember the emotional support animal craze a decade ago or so ( I brought my emotional support crocodile on the plane, or my emotional support pony or my clearly untrained emotional support dog that doesn't like being around other people).
This looks like the next iteration where they sell those same people on the emotional support AI pendant that is electronically tied to your phone.
I believe this particular crash is a 3/10 scenario. The radar track appears to be going straight and level to the destination on IFR flight plan right up until the autopilot disengaged and the pilot couldn't recover. What is notable is the flight path at the time appears to be flying through a frontal boundary with convective weather in progress (storms). The most likely suspicion would then fall to flight conditions deteriorated quickly (or the pilot didn't notice or account for the weather changes he was flying into) and when the autopilot could not keep the plane flying properly on course it disengaged and shortly after shtf for that plane as the pilot failed to recover safely, overspeeded the airframe, and broke up midair.
An anon below posted something about comms. I'm not discounting comms, but I am curious if the Gryder person is Dan Gryder whom has spoken out about things before and been totally wrong (proven in court) with his facts.
I found this video helpful. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2pCFKYKeZcI
Sure, but is it Brazil's clown OP?