Could it be the DS uses Q to create these events themselves? Then we look at them like theyre bigger than they are?
For the most part. Unfortunately I drink fairlife milk. Its the only milk that is exactly what im looking for.
I intentionally push past numbers like 17, 69, 100, 420 so others dont get caught up in that urge.
Mmmm gimme that sweet hopium daddy! π©π©
What. The. Fuck. Could today be the today?
Frequency of what? Light? Sound? Ive yet to know either that completely overrides your behavior.
Holy fuck. Q really knew. I hope hes right about all of everything else.
To clarify an Article 15 is what you can take in lieu of a court martial. For example, im at mcconnell and if they try to give me an article 15 for refusing, then I will challenge it with a court martial. An article 15 is saying, "okay I did what youre accusing me of doing and accept the consquences."
Is this true? Can i get a source to show people?
This ones gotta be pinned after the fall
Similar feeling here. Everytime I question his knowledge I have to ask myself wtf he was doing at the whitehouse last year
They probably have advisors that CTRL + F "term" and "limits" π€§π€§
Cooooollll, also I get its just a name, but this gives me ministry of truth vibes.
Bro stop tomorrow is my birthday
Thats how I plan to stop making my kid do something I dont want him to. Glad to see it actually works.
Relax man how many time do we also say how pussified most americans are too?
This man got pied in the face and is out for revenge against all of humanity. IS the donald XD
I miss r/offensivememes and the OG The_Donald. Good times.
What about the dont tread on me?
I miss when rainbows were just dope colors
Step 1. Do not take the vaccine.
If it hits DC our command chain would take a huge hit. Hopefully the remaining generals and base commanders can defend any subsequent attack or invasion. Hope NONE of this happens btw.