Anonymoose4627 -6 points ago +11 / -17

You’d be banning your own countrymen. Many of whom are service members or previous service members.

In my opinion the plan has to have accounted for the amount of bullishit Americans who had their election and lives stolen will take...so unless Q happens within the year I will have to make the assumption that life will move forward without someone coming to save us.

For me that’s a logical and rational time period. Because there are many who are not Q followers who are damn near about to go ape shit.

Anonymoose4627 6 points ago +6 / -0

How many times do we have to make them expend all their ammo...

Anonymoose4627 13 points ago +14 / -1

Reminds me of....Biden has to take the oath and then the military can swoop in I heard many months ago. Sounded dumb then and sounds dumb now. Hope you’re right though

Anonymoose4627 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah you’re correct. Literally zero percent of his (and ours) attention should be given to those harlots. I’m tired of “sick burns”. I want people held accountable.

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Anonymoose4627 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yea, imagine having other accounts that have been banned because the censorship here is on par with reddit.

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Anonymoose4627 2 points ago +4 / -2

What if I don’t give a shit about some retarded women’s soccer team. Is that really important right now?

Anonymoose4627 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eh I think peaceful stuff like that is pretty useless when our rights are being eroded at this pace. But that’s just me.

Anonymoose4627 11 points ago +12 / -1

The military is currently about to force my own brothers to get the vaccine while they teach how Pepe is a hate symbol. This doesn’t quite give me confidence.

Anonymoose4627 1 point ago +2 / -1

I agree with that. The issue is...the longer this plan does not come to fruition, the people who have already lost so much with all of this covid horseshit might just be a little more hair triggered than I am. And if they expect people to wait until 2022 or longer than they might be too late.

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Anonymoose4627 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m sorry sir but I don’t want imprisonments and you shouldn’t either. Death is the punishment. People need to fear consequences again. People need to think twice before doing something like this. Years from now someone needs to look in the past at what happened today and stop what they are doing because it’s not worth gambling their life. Death is the only punishment we should be asking for.

Anonymoose4627 19 points ago +22 / -3

Yea, if the plan was to let the people handle it then this whole “plan” is fucking retarded. We could have had the people and half of the military on our side if Trump had asked. Sure it would have been ugly but it’s a whole lot better than just having the people while watching people like my brothers be forced to get the jab.

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