Ariel125 6 points ago +7 / -1

I would have gotten over it in 3 days like my husband but my pregnancy hormones effed me over and I was hospitalized with clots in my lungs 🤡 👍 Would have been nice if my OB had prescribed me early treatment instead of letting me fester at home and get to a dangerous point! But HorSePaSte isn’t FDA aPpRoVed fOr pEasaNts!

Ariel125 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is going to sound stupid but… beet juice. I went home from the hospital after 10 days with COVID pneumonia and pulmonary embolism, was still on oxygen at home and it was hard to walk. My husband got me organic beet juice in a jar from the food store because I wanted it to help with circulation. I drank 1 cup a day by consuming 2 shots 3x a day. Let me tell you my breathing got better immediately and my pulse oxometer readings went from low 90’s with oxygen support to 98-100%. I kept up this protocol for 4 weeks and got off oxygen quicker than the doctors said I would. The days I skipped the juice I regressed! I know this advice sounds crunchy but if it helps your MIL I’m happy to share 🙏

Ariel125 1 point ago +1 / -0

My liberal aunt who no joke works for CNN LOVES that show… She’s so mature at 50 years old she’d text me after a bottle of wine talking about how DJT was a giant “turd”…

Ariel125 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. The doctors said my immune system went crazy and that’s what got me so sick. It’s why they put me on steroids. And it was all from my pregnancy hormones.

Ariel125 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wasn’t allowed ANY visitors during my 10 day hospital stay. And I’m pregnant too. My husband was beside himself. He thought about busting in a few times but I was doing well and kept reassuring him I’d be out soon. Other men were in the hospital parking lot screaming at staff trying to get in and see their wives which were all in for something different. This was this past January. Now the rules are magically lax again!

Ariel125 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remdesivir and steroids. Lovenox for the clots. When I was admitted and told I’d be on remdesivir I said doesn’t that cause organ failure? The doctor looked at me weird and said no. I said well you’re monitoring my organ function daily. Period. And they did via bloodwork. I’m fine because it wasn’t combined with being vented.

Ariel125 10 points ago +10 / -0

I was ready to lose my house and live in a trailer. Will never get vaxxed!

Ariel125 10 points ago +10 / -0

I only disagree with the ‘fake pandemic’ part. I never get sick ever… no colds or flus in the past 10 years. But COVID nearly killed me and my unborn baby. I spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital then recovery at home was 5 weeks. I’m unvaxxed thank goodness and recovered quicker than my (vaxxed) ICU mates!

Ariel125 6 points ago +6 / -0

A healthy gym bunny who just retired at my work died suddenly of stage 4 ovarian cancer. One day her stomach hurt and boom there it was. She was vaxxed.

My uncle recovered 2x from cancer, got vaxxed and now is in the hospital wasting away but they can’t find what’s wrong with him. We don’t know if he’s going to make it. How do you not know what’s wrong with someone after a week of testing?? CT scans are showing no signs of returned cancer.

Ariel125 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks like it’s only for people who already are at stage 3 renal impairment: “… with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 30…”

I told them to monitor my organ function daily via bloodwork and they did everyday at 5am. I was in the ICU for 10 days but only on remdesivir for 5 so they would have caught something before I was discharged.

Ariel125 7 points ago +7 / -0

I went to the ER with 40% blood oxygen… they tried a CPAP mask first and it brought me back up to 99%. After that they almost vented me because I was taking 40 breathes per minute and I was warned to ‘slow it down or else the vent.’ I tried very hard to slow down and succeeded. I got remdesivir for 5 days and was fine. I’m also young, married, and pregnant…. They probably wanted to keep me off the vent at all costs.

But this… they are trying to kill this man. Why won’t a simple oxygen mask work for him? It’s the vent + remdesivir together that kill!!! ALSO: IF YOU CARRY A LADDER ALMOST ANY PLACE WILL LET YOU IN.

Ariel125 4 points ago +4 / -0

Last month I was the only unvaxxed Covid patient in the ICU. When I came in they thought I’d need the vent but were surprised when the oxygen mask was enough to get me to 99% and keep me there. They also told me with my pneumonia and pulmonary embolism I should have died, but I recovered quickly (quickly was being ready to go home after 10 days). The doctors are astonished. I left before the other patients got released and they were all jabbed like I said. They are NEVER putting that vax in me.

Ariel125 3 points ago +3 / -0

Guess what moron…. a vaxxed person came to work knowingly positive and coughed all over my husband, which gave me DELTA last month (that was supposed to be gone) and I nearly died and/or lost my unborn baby in the hospital. So they can fuck off. I have zero tolerance for these people anymore.

Ariel125 3 points ago +3 / -0

Funny because a vaxxed person gave me COVID. Imagine that!

Ariel125 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. My husband got sick from a vaxxed (Pfizer) person who came in knowingly Covid positive and hacked all over the office. Being the VP, my husband screamed at him for not staying home with their laptop, citing ‘my wife is pregnant you moron.’ But it was too late. He had caught it then gave it me. He recovered within 3 days and I wound up in the hospital almost dying… and almost losing the baby. All because of a vaxxed sheeple.

Ariel125 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh yeah I was on oxygen the whole time in the hospital (in the ER they read me at 40%… they didn’t know how I was conscious). I would have died without supplemental oxygen for sure. And I was on oxygen for 4 weeks after that at home. My CT scan showed completely white lungs except for a small patch of black. Apparently they were 90% clotted/patchy or whatever. I never felt close to death at any point but as I continue to see different specialists for follow ups it’s the same stunned, quiet reaction after they look at my records: ‘wow.’ and ‘you could have died.’

I was on baby aspirin at the time for my pregnancy and now I’m on Lovenox until close to delivery when I switch to a safer blood thinner that they can stop abruptly if I need emergency surgery.

I think if I was jabbed I would have died. So thankful my husband and I refused and are still refusing it. I have brain dead family members who are now like, “ZOMG YOURE GETTING THE VAX NOW, RITE?” Unbelievable.

Ariel125 1 point ago +1 / -0

The symptoms were aligned with the Omicron ones and not the Delta ones. Later on in the hospital they told me I caught both which is why I got so sick. Of course they never tested me for COVID in the hospital. They didn’t care at that point. So they just guessed. But I did get a positive at home test when I first caught it.

Ariel125 7 points ago +7 / -0

For those that haven’t seen my other comments about my ordeal… I’m unvaxxed, 20 weeks pregnant, and spent 10 days in the hospital last month with pulmonary embolism after my body recovered naturally from COVID. It was an unfortunate development due to my pregnancy hormones reacting to the COVID. While there I asked about the other Covid patients that they had. All were vaxxed except me and doing poorly. The doctors were astonished at how quickly I recovered with my lungs being 90% clots at time of my initial CT scan.

I had an appointment with a perinatologist yesterday (high-risk OBGYN) who I had never seen before. He just stared at me when I walked into his office. He was in disbelief after reading my records that I was pretty much 100% functional and stopped using my home oxygen machine. He said I should have died based on my numbers at the time. He congratulated me with a huge smile and was glossy eyed, and told me he hopes to never see me again (lol). I will stay unvaxxed by any means necessary. And no doctors at any point hounded me about getting the vaccine.

Ariel125 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes you are right— husband and I both had Omicron a few days prior and we were both on the mend. My fever had broke and I was feeling better. My body had fought the COVID off naturally. But then I had trouble breathing a few days later and that’s when it got dangerous and I went to the ER. The words ‘Covid pneumonia’ were listed on my discharge papers along with PE. So I really wasn’t hospitalized with COVID itself. I never had a fever during this 10 days in there!

Ariel125 32 points ago +32 / -0

I’m unjabbed, pregnant, and spent 10 days in the ICU with COVID pneumonia and pulmonary embolism a month ago. The other COVID ICU patients were all jabbed and I recovered faster than them.

The doctors didn’t even give me a hard time about being unvaxxed… they said it doesn’t matter and they are seeing everyone come in, jabbed or not.

Ariel125 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m 20 weeks pregnant, spent 10 days in the ICU with COVID pneumonia and pulmonary embolism. Was treated with remdesivir for 5 days, was on oxygen (no vent), and steroids IV. Made a complete and swift recovery and baby is fine. So thankful I am still unvaxxed. I’d go through that 10 more times just to protect my genes and baby’s!

by BQnita
Ariel125 2 points ago +2 / -0

My uncle had colon cancer and was in remission. He got fully vaxxed (Pfizer) and it’s come back TWICE in the last year. He looks absolutely awful right now and we don’t know of he’ll get through this round. [edit: the cancer came back in a different spot now so it’s pretty much everywhere at this point…]

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