Awakened 1 point ago +1 / -0

Six months. Water purification system. Radiation pills. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Awakened 5 points ago +6 / -1

Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Don’t see things getting much worse. Thank you. I’ll be laughing at that for days.

Winter is coming on a pale horse.

Awakened 3 points ago +4 / -1

In the book of Revelation, 90% of humanity dies. God turns off death to stop the last ten percent from dying even though they beg for death. When I was in theology school one of my instructors believed this was done to keep the rainbow promise given to Noah. Either way it isn’t pleasant. There are a 144 thousand spared mentioned in Rev 7 and 14. It could be symbolic, but they are listed as male virgin Hebrews. But for nearly everyone else it’s painful, horrible death.

I’m curious if you’re referencing the same book or something completely different.

Awakened 5 points ago +5 / -0

Literally the worst parts of the Bible are about to happen. Prophecy is very real and you are living it. Though I don’t think it will do much good other than buying you some time and comfort, but I recommend the following.

Six months of food, water purification system, freedom seeds, radiation pills, and a strong relationship with your Maker.

Good luck!

Awakened 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bill Cooper warned us back in the late 80s and kept warning us until they killed him.

Awakened 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m not trying to insult her, but she looks actually retarded. What’s that movie, The Mask? Eric Stolze or whatever plays the guy with the elephant man like sickness. She looks like she has a slight version of that.

by BQnita
Awakened 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blame pretty much every financial change since the 1800s ended. The Fed being the biggest one with income taxes and property taxes being a close second. Foreign aid is a big one as well. Americans pay taxes for every nation in the world. We call it foreign aid because taxation without representation doesn’t sound as nice.

If our government only got its money from tariffs and sales taxes, it wouldn’t be the current freak show because it couldn’t afford it.

by PepeSee
Awakened 2 points ago +2 / -0

The harvest is indeed at hand. The threshing has begun. The last book of the Bible is in play. It will be the worst thing ever. Prepare. No one wants to hear it because hope springs eternal. You may want to stop getting mad at the black pillers. The horrible fact is, they have been right. They were right about the election. Most people here thought it would have been turned around by now. There are those that think it still will be. That’s fine. If it keeps you in good spirits, have at it. But just one thing for you to do in the in between time.

Six months food, water purification system, freedom seeds, radiation pills. For the good it will do you.

Awakened 9 points ago +9 / -0

You would think, but here we are. Well over a month after they said it would drop. Just like the black pillers predicted.

Awakened 9 points ago +9 / -0

He said very plainly on live TV that he had building seven pulled. Said it was due to damage. Seemed reasonable at the time, now it’s a conspiracy theory.

Awakened 2 points ago +2 / -0

This! Fucking this! I hope OP takes this to heart and wakes the fuck up. We need everyone awake and not hooked on some bizarre, feel good, interpretation of Q.

Awakened 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some people decide to go through life high on God. Better than drugs or alcohol, no doubt. Everyone handles stress differently. But it would be best to go through life sober. But I understand, I really do. I hope you are doing your part though. Six months of food, water purification system, freedom seeds, and radiation pills. You seem like a wonderful, full of faith person. Nothing wrong finding Joy in the Lord, but make sure you are really ready.

Awakened 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is not a fucking show. The phrase

Enjoy the show

Does not mean this is all scripted. The phrase is in reference to all the bullshit. Also, the phrase

Patriots are in control

Doesn’t mean some sort of magical total control. For a while a patriot was President. He demanded they declass everything.

Declass brings down the House

But Barr said no and the plan got a good fucking whack.

Everything is as it seems. We are in the fight off our lives and real, GOOD FUCKING PEOPLE, are dying. This is not some scripted played out movie.

I’ve been an anon for forty five fucking years. We are at the end game.

Six months of food. Water purification system, lots of freedom seeds, and radiation pills.

When we say Qanon is a poison to both Q and Anons, this is what we mean. Q never meant to imply they have a magical time machine and this is all going to work itself out with a magic plan. Qanons interpretation says that. It’s not correct.


Though to be honest, probably way too late for that if you haven’t for years. Good luck you poor sweet natured schmuck. The end is not for everyone.

Awakened 3 points ago +3 / -0

I got a fever and nose was getting runny. Took one of each and a nap. I woke up feeling fucking amazing. That was yesterday. I still feel fucking amazing.

by Restore
Awakened 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love a true Anon. Thank you!

by Restore
Awakened 4 points ago +4 / -0

I regret looking that up. I thought, no, I hoped you were making a joke. Matter of fact, the first number that came up was 9hundred something. I was all like, sheesh, he had me going. Thank God. Then I read the next line that said English and that had the magic number.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I liked you better when I thought you were just pulling my leg.

The end of the world is gonna suck so much ass.


Awakened 11 points ago +11 / -0

I’ve been taking NAC for many years now. This is all blowing my mind.

Awakened 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have done a great job of sounding like him when they write. That ain’t easy to do.

Awakened 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact is, this guy is correct.

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