Doesn’t Pedoesta trigger some action based on a Q post?
What a great recruiting opportunity. Well done Texas. Well done
This is good. Please do every month.
I don’t believe fake news stories. The checkers are a minor league hockey team. They play indoors…
I repeat, they play indoors.
I’ll be watching
lol. Ur insane.
Is it just me, or does he have a sideways vagina on his forehead?
Holy crap. 2 hours!? Who has time for that. What’s the TLDR?
Vengeance is God’s and God’s alone.
”Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”“ Romans 12:19 ESV
Justice is for man to deliver, but not vengeance.
Bro. Everything we’ve been saying has been crazy. But we’ve been right with a lot of it.
Joel Osteen is a false Christian preaching a false gospel.
lol. Samesies
“Cock-a-doodle-doo, I’m Donald Trump.” Lol
Very notable.
So good! I love the 11 eyes of the Illuminati on the monsters head
Sorry but this looks staged af.
K spy boy CIA cock sucker.
That’s what she said.
Say hello to WW3 ladies and gentlemen. But at least we know the ultimate winner.
Show me dem titles.
No wonder they hate him so much.
This is clear evidence of us needing patience and not overreacting when we don’t get what we want when we want it. If the Q team is really in control then of course this is happening when it precisely should.
Patience is a virtue & a fruit of the spirit.