Not to disagree with you overall, but it should be known that his initial wealth comes from PayPal.
People forget PayPal is/was his baby.
Don't forget it. Might be relevant one day in Regards to neuralink, starling, and crypto.
Don't get the implant lol
Same for both wife and I, constant, 11:11, 1:11 4:44 we point it out to each other all the time, text logs. It is very consistent for us, and we aren't the most routine individuals either so it is very strange for me to see the time or these numbers so frequently. Has happened to us both only since we met each other a couple years ago.
Very interesting stuff.
Working toward MBA, been in management from starting out retail to moving up into more administrative jobs, been reading / watching finance, economics, sales strategy everything involved regarding business from hospitality to accounting since I was 16 probably - have credentials and experience, real records of using models predicting behavioral and sales patterns to mitigate extreme losses of revenue as we've gone through the "pandemic".
Didn't get jabbed though so you know- I'm a fucking dumbass retard conspiracy theorist and have to navigate the fully vaxxed clients, peers, and superiority carefully lest they lose all faith in my ability because I didn't get injected.
Feels good to be in the club.
It's OK though because I'm approaching fuck you money soon, assuming dollars continue to exist.....
Came across an idea yesterday from an engineer guy saying something about the way thermodynamics works conventionally doesn't take into account what we now know about multiple dimensions.
Primary idea being Tesla-esque and "free energy" and the idea was that first of all you had to assume 4th dimensional reality and you do this because of quantum mechanics and some of the other physics we have supporting the idea that higher dimensions exist.
Then basically the idea is that we could tap energy as in actual electric energy, not talking about spirituality here, the 4th dimension and pull it into the third dimension and then we could capture and use it here essentially for free. This would not violate thermodynamics, thermodynamics just needs an update rn basically because it doesn't consider multidimensional application.
Consider the portal video game, imagine using a portal beneath a waterfall and then moving placing the other portal on the ground in the Sahara. You'd be able to use all the energy from that waterfall to power a waterwheel and drink or what have you in the Sahara.
This is basically the concept but instead there should be a way to pull electricity from the 4th and bring it to this dimension without violating anything. In fact this has apparently been done and some real science has pulled and measured energy from the 4th.
To be super technical it says "does not possess chemical AND biological weapons anywhere"
Which legally and logically is much different than "does not possess chemical OR biological weapons anywhere."
Basically what they stated by saying AND is that nowhere do they possess biological or chemical weapons at the same time, together. That statement would be technically true if they did have bio weapons at one place and chemical at another but not both at the same time.
I found it very odd they stated it that way.
Most people would say or, but they said and.
Any pede with a 101 logic/philosophy/programming class under there belt will understand that AND and OR are very different things and the language matters a lot when it comes to law.
Average trip length is higher here, population density and all that.
This will severely affect poor rural communities basically putting them on an island because they will become hindered in traveling into nearby cities maybe up to 3 hours away to visit grocers, stores, or even their families.
See it a lot in Texas even when gas was okay, but I definitely remember it being a real problem in 2008-2010, and it will be a problem again.
$4gal is just as bad $8gal when on average you must travel twice twice distance to work or buy goods.
The time to start talking about what we know in the streets has come.
We have been silent for a lot of reasons but it's time to start talking, people will listen now. They are going to want an explanation.
We can utilize the economic effects of all this to have "allow me to explain" moments with the mainstream.
They will hear it.
Don't worry about the social ramifications of it. Maybe people will think you're crazy, conspiratorial, the connotation of Q was deteriorated, but now it is time for vindication.
The people will hear you now. Don't be afraid to talk.
I really don't think 80% of freemasonry do that. And this is coming from someone who delves into the esoteric and conspiratorial... all the time.
I do believe however once you get to a certain point you begin to get into what is basically defined as spiritual Satanism and occult practices but that is reserved for those that have tributed and proved loyalty.
It's basically what the drug cartels with some extra steps and mixed with a dose of the occult.
But you know, your street sellers don't know where the supply comes from.
Same deal.
Hahaa. I like to believe Pelosi was salivating at the idea of some occult practice in place as much as the next guy - but, tragically, this is probably 100% what happened.
She was just happy Biden said all those words without fucking it up.
Waiting for it. Literally trying to figure out if we are going to see some false flag nukes get beamed out of the sky by some false flag aliens, then experience global domination from what the population is perceiving as extra terrestrial advanced beings but in reality they are just bioengineering clones being used as puppets by the world elite to maintain global unification and therefore ultimate control over the human population.
It's a deep rabbit hole, but let's keep the possibility in the back of mind.
If only we could declare the boiling disaster of the suppressed economy a National emergency like we did for lockdowns and lift some restrictions to increase the rapidity of setting up production for commodities domestically.
It's like dark souls.