Banditos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Babysit your nephew instead of pre-school

Banditos 7 points ago +8 / -1

Eat dirt and ride the bench DeFilippis!

At this point I have more faith in Marcia Clarke getting a conviction than this no good sleazy cheese eating spaghetti vending garlic breath dago guinea wop greaseball goombah leaky can of olive oil meatball guido sweaty provolone piece of grape stomping burnt pizza trash!

Banditos 1 point ago +1 / -0

OP did you post this during your door-greeter shift at Wal-Mart? Title looks like a botched late term abortion. Supreme court does its thing and you still gon pull some shit like this?

Banditos 2 points ago +2 / -0

For real. The cow in the photo is almost as hideous as this down syndrome title.

Banditos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Politician panders to electorate in election lead up, stop the presses!

Banditos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another social media talking head repeatedly saying the obvious to a bunch of listeners on a podcast circuit that already agree with him?

Nice to hear he's momentarily spiking in this monday morning's metrics but not really sure what anyone here is supposed to do with this clip

deleted 3 points ago +3 / -0
Banditos -1 points ago +3 / -4

You can easily dismiss 99 percent of the lazy ass "just circle time stamps and random posts" dEcOdEz on here. Zero analysis and just Rah Rah go team hopium. I have more respect for the date faggers then these bandwagon "decodes". It's a Facebook mom group tier low effort clam bake

Banditos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. But they hijacked plenty of state and house seats in the 2018 midterms. For all the places still using Dominion, cheating costs nothing and is resource free.

Banditos 8 points ago +9 / -1

No offense but this sounds like a theory to pre emptively cope with midterms being stolen again. 6 years isn't enough data collection for navy intelligence? LOL

Banditos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does that come in the combo with black dick up your ass or do you order it on the side? Sucks to cuck cocksucker

Banditos 1 point ago +3 / -2

Of course I am free to. This is an internet discourse forum you stupid piece of shit. REPURCUSSION FREE

Banditos 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's something I think we're all still collectively unclear about years after the Q drops. I remember many speculating "Coates" or "Comey" for a time. If there's anybody else here who knows or has additional context to the C before D drops please chime in!

Banditos 18 points ago +18 / -0

I think the purposeful misdirect to patriots and the cabal all this time was that the child trafficking reveal was going to be used as the Trump card for normie wakeup.

The whole narrative the last couple years is all the trumpers are q-tards that think hillary clinton is a literal vampire and has an amazon scale manufacturing and distribution of adrenochrome. Force the defense into putting all of their resources prepping against one topic that would assuredly sink them. And before you even take them to task on that topic you quietly walk up from behind and squeeze off a bullet deep into the skull with an entirely separate game-ending scandal that they didn't prepare for.

Banditos 14 points ago +14 / -0

The cabal and the media have pretty much locked us all into stalemate by declaring every accusation a "conspiracy theory". There needs to be a major reveal of a large scale world-renowned incident that sets the precedent to normies and non-believers that all this shit might be possible. And I think at this point it has to be something that has nothing to do with Trump. The media has tainted his association with anything for a large amount of people who still have chronic cognitive dissonance to any subject that ties back to him.

But I think this is THE topic to break the spell. A precedent like the government admitting to orchestrating 9/11 with the help of the intel and media agencies to cement the cover-up instantly shifts the conversation on everything. Election theft, covid, school shootings, global warming, etc. Even the most delusional of normies (including so many still on the right) would be forced to dealing with an existential thought shift for their first time in their lives. Its a total shatter to the illusion. And most adults in this country, whether they know it are not, have been subconsciously carrying around the trauma of 9/11 since the Tues morning it happened. The media made sure of that for a decade straight.

Banditos 24 points ago +24 / -0

I think 9/11 truth would be a major shock to the system and the national consciousness. Yes, many of us in the truth movement have known this for over a decade. But leading/forcing the government into a full blown admission of guilt of participation by players at the top of all our major state institutions (incl the media), plus the subsequent cover-up and illegal decades of wars that followed is far enough beyond the pale to immediately shift the ENTIRE conversation and narrative on pretty much every topic currently debated in global discussion.

Election theft, covid, school shootings, you name it. Suddenly its all on the table with such a giant precedent begrudgingly set in the official narrative. And a precedent that isn't "tainted" by Trump or his "deplorables".

Banditos 3 points ago +3 / -0

DOJ has all the power to unredact. Trump publicly requested the unredacting of many things from Barr at the end of 2020. I know most people think he's a blackhat, but many others adamantly claim it was the stealth bombers final parting gift to the white hats.

And many will ask, but why wait so long?? And I understand the frustation, and can't fully wrap my head around the reasoning or importance of their order of operations. But how many times did Q emphasize (C) before (D)?

Banditos 19 points ago +20 / -1

We've been told time and time again that "water" in the context of comms always refers to a stream of information. She's worried about the prison guards reporting an exchange of information back to her cabal handlers.

She's messaging to her handlers on the outside that she's being visited by the 17 team. And while it may appear like an exchange of information is continually taking place, she wants them to believe she isn't giving them anything worthwhile. It's all "water down the drain". And any talk of "ratting" taking place in her cell is purely imaginary.

She's begging them not to off her. Whether Epstein is dead or alive, I think it has benefited the white hats by running with that narrative, and many of the cabal players have bought it. They're squeezing her from both sides now. It's how they got the mob. Wit pro is your only option once your goombas on the outside get word of you cooperating with the feds. Better to spill what you know, take the deal, and live the rest of your life in hiding than risk sitting out your sentence in prison and getting hung your first month in.

And when Q said "no deals" it set the precedent in the cabal's mind that we're not interested in offering protection. It immediately forces the defendant to start the negotiation and showing every card they hold in the hopes that it will be enough to save their necks. Brilliant shit honestly. Its funny what cowards these cabalists turn out to be in the face of death. Makes you respect the days of the Al Queda fundamentalists who'd proudly chose death over co-operation. There's a reason we had to pull out the water boards. They might not have feared death but no one can withstand of the endless sensation of dying for very long. Anyways I digress...

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