BlomKruka 2 points ago +6 / -4

Nothing, because it doesn't exist.

I've moved between Norway and Sweden multiple times, never had to pay "exit" tax, and only ever paid tax in one country at the time.

OP Is a phony, a big fat phony.

BlomKruka 3 points ago +7 / -4

They don't, OP is a faggot and didn't even bother to provide a source for this claim. I've moved between Norway and Sweden multiple times for work, only ever paid tax in one country at the time. Both skatteetaten and skatteverket are very easy to deal with and understanding. Not like IRS from which I've heard some real horror stories about.

BlomKruka 2 points ago +2 / -0

The infamous planemic law which gives current government almost dictator like powers in case of a plandemic. It supposedly has some "safety vents" to prevent abuse, the parliament can stop stupid shit, but if everyone agrees on something it becomes law.

BlomKruka 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a common misconception to think that morale in a high trust society is the same as obeying the government. Most "moral laws" are not even written in law. Swedes are ungovernable and Sweden is a high trust society. If the government creates a stupid law nobody obeys it.

If you walk forward because you're walking from A to B and some faggot gives "order walk to B", you're not compliant, there's just a faggot who believe they can dictate you, or want to create such narrative.

The vaxx stat is fake and gay, apparently a batch of vaxx contains a couple of hundred jabs and they're stored in a freezer, soon as the batch is taken out, all those jabs need to be distributed in one hour. If only two sheep show up to get jabbed in that time, all the remaining jabs have to be thrown away, but throwing them away gives no money, so they register them as being distributed before throwing them away.

That sort of corruption is very common and they're generally good at covering their tracks.

BlomKruka 6 points ago +6 / -0

Check his post history, he really hates Sweden and Finland in particular, I wonder what bad those two countries ever did to him. 🤡🤡🤡

BlomKruka 4 points ago +5 / -1

It's one of those NATO trolls shilling for more free gibs. OP is a notorious liar with an agenda to divide and conquer.

BlomKruka 6 points ago +6 / -0

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Honk Honk! communist schweins.

BlomKruka 4 points ago +4 / -0

Plate's in the front stupid pajeet, exactly were it should be in every EU country. You're not a Finn, you're a subverting shill.

BlomKruka 3 points ago +4 / -1

Look at the license plate stupid pajeet. That's civilian EU plates. Swedish military plates are black with yellow text.

Volvo trucks are used allover the world.

BlomKruka 2 points ago +4 / -2

That's next level retarded bullshit, and none of the Nordic countries are socialist. Yet another example of propaganda they want you to beleive.

BlomKruka 2 points ago +4 / -2

Any solution is better than crying and blaming other countries that fixed the problem partially. Stop being a pussy.

BlomKruka 1 point ago +3 / -2

You don't fund anything, you just don't have the balls to resist usury. And you're too cucked to blame Big Pharma who practice this usury. Subsidies in Sweden are paid with Swedish taxes.

Stop blaming your own faggotry on others.

BlomKruka 6 points ago +6 / -0

50 000 deployed, and 3 million civilians. 300 fighter jets, dozens of ships and submarines. Then there these 60, the "faggot division", useless paper flippers doing some meaningless administrative work in Stockholm.

None of this is paid for with US taxes, if it was they would use the tranny flag and not the faggot flag. Sweden isn't even a NATO member. OP is a retard trying to distract people from the real parasites.

BlomKruka 3 points ago +4 / -1

NATO spending's by GDP is just a lie they tell tell you to milk you of more taxes to the military industrial complex who goal is to start as many wars as possible around the world, destroy entire countries and help communism to spread easily.

European armies are build for defense only, and they're doing a damn good job at that, especially with help from millions of civilians ready to defend their countries.