Here's an analysis allegedly, of what happened
Hey I just wanted to dispel the myth that "MuH bSD iS uNhAcKaBlE" for your own professional integrity. If a PLC can be wormed into blowing up a centrifuge an OS can be exploited. Maintaining up to date patches is apparently no small task, as most ransomware attacks were preventable by simple patching.
You're splitting hairs on a technicality. Why would they not if they could Would you opt out of a free life insurance policy from your employer? It would be more suspicious if you did not.
There are similar laws for various countries, but one specific one for Israel, maybe focus on that one only.
"All Jews, no matter where they are born, are Israeli citizens by right" -Jewish Law of Return
It's kind of hard to be a US politician if you renounce your US citizenship.
Therefore I would say that most are dual citizens.
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