Brokenmatrix2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

We have guns too but apparently they don't work. Otherwise we could stop our own planned genocide.

Brokenmatrix2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome to see. Just like in this country ! Oh wait...... nevermind.

Brokenmatrix2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

People have died for whistleblowing about sandy H. AJ would end up on the list. They ain't playin' on this one.

Brokenmatrix2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw and watched court session where it was admitted that it was a fema drill. Wolfgang halbig was there and that's the day the Newtown COP quit. The clincher was the light up sign saying to check in. Also were photos of firehouse with and without Christmas lights during said " shooting ". Second biggest sham in US history.

Brokenmatrix2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Satan is the lord of chaos. The cabal is insane and possessed. And we're letting them run free. So who's side are we on ?.

Brokenmatrix2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seems that way doesn't it ?. Apparently we're not smart enough to do anything else. We've regressed into a land of pussies.

Brokenmatrix2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

The devil is a deciever. He convinces them they'll live forever and that he's really in charge of the earth. He is the god of chaos. He tells you that the one true heavenly God is a tyrant and slave driver and wants to deprive you of the earthly pleasures. In reality he hates us because we were made in gods image and are able to create things that celebrate the joy and beauty of this life. We are able to create a life in conception. That's why these demons want abortions. It isn't to kill the life... it's to destroy the conception. Satan is only a jealous destroyer. Libtard democrats are insane. They only care about their earthly existence. They are all godless atheists or the synagogue of Satan. Some have no soul at all like Bill Gates and George Soros. Or the succubus Nancy Piglosi. It's getting worse and blatantly so. Something big is gonna happen soon. It has to.

by Kokonut
deleted -1 points ago +2 / -3
by Kokonut
Brokenmatrix2021 -3 points ago +4 / -7

F**k Kushner. Him and Soros are tight.

Brokenmatrix2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuckin A bro. Nobody wants to hear it though. Every time I say that..... Crickets. Those assholes serve US. We pay their salaries.

Brokenmatrix2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are very kind. God bless you also.

Brokenmatrix2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

80% of America doesn't even know who these scumbags are. People are still lining up for the death vax and it's supplemental death booster. People are still walking their dogs with a mask on. People still watch CNN. And believe them. You can't fix stupid.

Brokenmatrix2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still say these worshippers of Baal will try and nuke everything before they consider surrender. They're fkn insane. Keep praying hard. By the way, wtf happened to the wuflu ? Where the hell is Dr. Cy Coe ? 2 years of hell, needless suffering and murders then poof ! It's over. Are we that programmed ? Are we really going to let them slide on this ??

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