Caliope 0 points ago +1 / -1

IDK but when I was on the toilet this morning passing a rather odoriferous Obama I started hearing a message that started "Open the Pod Bay Doors, HAL".

Caliope 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe that the intent of this was to show that "the people", meaning (at the time of drafting) Emancipated White Males could vote in free assembly for a measure which would then be put to the state lawmakers and from them into state law.

Today it would mean that any moron of any color, gender, whether a legal or illegal resident of the USA could vote with their riots and destructive actions to force their will upon the rest of society of the state.

Caliope 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ole jizzlame won't last more than a month in prison before she is Arkancided. Why? She really knows who did what to whom and what they did. Why else would the Prosecutor seal all of the relevant records?

Caliope 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the taste and/or belching bothers you, this can also be taken as an enema, dissolving it in warm salt water then using a deep enema nozzle to slowly release it into the lower bowel. Very similar to how a wine enema works in that the active ingredients are absorbed almost immediately into your system. Be sure to hold the enema fluid in for at least 15 minutes. Best done after you have had a bowel movement.

Caliope 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is unfortunate that most people (voters) out there fail to realize that ALL politicians are feckless, grifting scum.

Some are worse than others, but they all have baggage which ties them to high crimes, graft, sexual crimes and bribe-taking.

Caliope 1 point ago +1 / -0

If that is a cellphone and IF this is inside a SCIF then that is in violation of the DCID and DIA Manual 50-3. The monitor appears to have a screen saver with the classifications information on it. Color coding is for different networks such as SCI and for non-SCI or perhaps SCI and then lower than TS.

Caliope 2 points ago +2 / -0

I looked at the picture and enlarged it for a better view. The "black flags" on uniforms are actually the camouflage or subdued US Flags attached by a velcro pad to the uniform shoulder. They appear black in the photo because they are made with an infra-red subdued thread. The large castle on the big screen is a famous castle in Austria or Germany and is used as a screen-saver -- my local cable system uses that same one. The fact that some are in uniform and some are not is because some of the people are most likely civilians. The screen actually as a SECRET digital cover on it not TOP SECRET. The wall on the left with "faces" are people in the overhead viewing area, although they might be disembodied lost souls who were formerly living but now reanimated by a secret squirrel device Known Only To Those Who Know All.

Caliope 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is an example of "Word Salad" spoken by an Alzheimer's patient. "Word salad" is "schizophasia" -- meaning "broken or separated words". In the dementia patient, schizophasia is seen when that part of the brain which renders thought-to-speech is scrambled by the continuation of Alzheimer's decline. It is seen and heard as "a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases".

Think of that situation as you would if you were hearing several different, random, conversations at the same time and you attempt to pull out some sense to at least one of the conversation threads. The failing brain and consequential failing mental acuity state exacerbates schizophasia.

As the brain continues to fail, the patient will eventually only utter garbled utterances, sometimes whole words or sentences, and other times disconnected fragments of words.

Xiden is obviously suffering from middle-stage Alzheimer's Disease. That fact that he sometimes is able to actually speak coherently by reading from a teleprompter or cue-cards, means that he retains a portion of previous acuity.

For certain, he is being secretly treated with a combination of medications, including Donepezil (Aricept), Galantamine (Razadyne), and Rivastigmine (Exelon). It is highly likely he is also receiving Aducanumab (an anti-amyloid antibody intravenous (IV) infusion therapy); also likely is the daily application of various calming agents such as diazepam.

Xiden is inside a cocoon of "handlers" and "puppeteers" who hover over him at every minute when he is in public view.

This is very much the same as it was with Woodrow Wilson following his cerebral hemorrhage when his wife took charge, banned everyone except for a few trusted people, from speaking with him. She reviewed and signed all of this presidential documents.

All documents "signed" by Wilson during his illness are hidden away at the Wilson Presidential Papers facility, locked up until January of the year 2219 -- 300 years after his death; the documents which place this security on them exists at the Library and can be examined "if the Board of Regents in Full Session" authorizes that viewing. Handwriting experts need not apply.

Caliope 2 points ago +2 / -0

The same as when "2G" service was taken down. Thousands of cars built with 2G tech for various purposes (remote startings, etc.) were screwed as replacement could not be done. Everything is going to be force-migrated to 4G and 5G until only 5G remains useful. All part of the plan to recapture the 2G and 3G bandwidth for something else.

Caliope 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is good information and provides people who visit here and Poal insights into what kind of fuckery goes on when a variety of opposition shills get their marching orders from Soros, et. al.

The good thing is that once the Forum Spies are identified, they can be fitted for The Rope.

by gamepwn
Caliope 5 points ago +5 / -0

The interesting thing about a State's "State Guard" is that they are a militia not subordinated to the US Government or the other Federal controls. State Militias have been around since the Revolutionary War. Most State Guard units are organized around the US Army Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E). They mostly consist of men and women who have had prior military service. A State Militia is under the direct command of the Governor via a chain of command which is very short from Governor to the Commanding General of the State Guard. They are the last defense against forces which attempt to seize control of the State. If you are reading this and are a physically and mentally able former military member -- aka Patriot -- you should seek our your local State Guard unit and inquire about signing up. Understand that these units are not anything like the "militias" which the MSM writes about. State Guards are real, actual military organizations.

Caliope 15 points ago +17 / -2

Carpet Muncher ... and wait for it ... (((Eine Juden!!)))

by PepeSee
Caliope 2 points ago +2 / -0

cut versus uncut conundrum. Uncut, you wash really good and skin back before pissing. Cut, you hang it out, shake a few times and you're done.

Caliope 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've written here before, on Poal and Voat about the use of a "weaponized variola - smallpox" agent.

Scary stuff. And (((they))) are doing all of this propaganda to spin up the narrative.

Caliope 1 point ago +1 / -0

Waiting for "them" to release the identity and race of the shooter. Aloha Snackbar maybe? Latest I heard is after the gun discharged he ran out of the airport.

Caliope 2 points ago +2 / -0

Release of a "weaponized" smallpox virus would really decimate the population. Fauci-masks will not work since even one tiny droplet to any skin surface (albeit mucous-membranes are easier) are sufficient to infect an vaccinated person.

There have been several war-games where various types of doomsday viruses have been released. This includes Brucellosis, Tularemia, Smallpox, Pneumonic plague (in the several variants), Anthrax, Yersinia Pestis (Plague), and Viral hemorrhagic fevers, including. Filoviruses, for example.

All of these can (and probably have been) weaponized -- meaning they are easily dispersed via a crop-sprayer aircraft or drone, an aerosol device, or by simple person-to-person contact.

What is surprising to me is the unbelievable ignorance of almost everyone about how easy it is to produce and spread these biowarfare agents. The politicians, of course, are the worst of the ignorant followed by the incapable, feckless idiots in the US government agencies. They are ALL in self-denial and as far as I am concerned, ALL deserve to die in writhing agony from the worst form of Tularemia -- which when it is fully involved in a human is a horror-show of torture and agony unparalleled by the most bloody chainsaw massacre movie. It is incurable when fully involved. 100 percent death within 48 to 72 hours.

God Damn the idiots who fail to protect our Republic. God Damn them to the pit of Hell for all of eternity.

Caliope 1 point ago +1 / -0

When that kid gets older he'll be sucking on something else.

Caliope 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drones with anti-personnel cluster munitions. A few CBU-24 drops would solve the problem on BOTH sides of the border.

Caliope 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll take your word for this. I am not wasting my precious time or bodily fluids watching the senile, loathsome fraud Xiden.

Caliope 2 points ago +2 / -0

.50 caliber rounds. 4 and 1 ratio (1 tracer follows 4 ball rounds in a normal link for the Ma Deuce (US Machine Gun, Caliber .50 M2)

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