Cat-ass-trophy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm no handwriting expert but it looks feasible to me that one of those 'bidens' is an exaggerated version of the other.

Cat-ass-trophy 4 points ago +5 / -1

Like multiplicity! He's probably a clone of a clone of a clone. Gets dumber each time.

Cat-ass-trophy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alaskan here. Our economy is very closely tied to petroleum (no such thing as Fossil fuels) so F you. We don't want 'em.

Cat-ass-trophy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes. Cut the budget to all of the unnecessary departments and agencies. Reduce the salaries of congress to reflect the areas they represent. Then keep it that way.

Cat-ass-trophy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Male/female = biological sex. There is no such thing as gender. Dr. James Money's poison tree fruit.

Cat-ass-trophy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have dealt with way worse working at a bar, from women. Not saying the guy ain’t a douche but that was a weak ass reason to arrest someone. Unless there is more than this clip.

Cat-ass-trophy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure tatted up biden is from the onion. Satire.

Cat-ass-trophy 2 points ago +3 / -1

If that was a harsh criticism then we need toughen up. Quit giving silly words power over your emotions and focus. This is a war. "You had me until . ." means to me that "all pertinent information will be ignored because i don’t like your language" that s atactic of the left.

Cat-ass-trophy 6 points ago +6 / -0

The only problem with this Is that a sheep's teeth don't protect them from the wolf. My firearms, (that were all lost in a very unfourtonate boating accident 😂) help to ensure that I never become a victim. They are a great equalizer against all predators. Lions, commies, bears, gators, . . Etc.

Cat-ass-trophy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh I agree with you homie. I was just replying to rootcause here showing them it wasn't a photo shop. It would think it to be a good thing to have pride in you commander in chief.

Cat-ass-trophy 16 points ago +16 / -0

Get rid of machines. To err is human. . , to really fuck things up requires a computer.

Cat-ass-trophy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somebody should redraw this with Obama handing Bush back his "new world order" or patriot act scissors in the background with Trump sewing up the flag and Biden coming along with some united nations or wef scissors and tearing up what Trump just patched back up. I can't draw for shit or I would do it myself.

Cat-ass-trophy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those numbers are so large the become incomprehensible in the context of currency. I like to use time as a comparison. 1 dollar=1 second

Around 11 and a half days for a million Around 32 years for a billion Around 3200 years for a trillion.

Cat-ass-trophy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never been a Republican so I can't be a rino. I am however a Trump supporter. Trump announcing his 2024 run tonight will change that because of lack of action and display of ego. He has stated that this "hopefully" will be the most important night in the history of our country. If this is to announce his candidacy for president then he has shown that him and I are irreconcilable in our differences on what is important. Fix the problems and quit playing "their game". That said I don't think that's gonna be it because campaign law would limit his fundraising ability as soon as he announced and it seems way too early.

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